Almost got screwed at Rammstein!

What would you do?

  • Screw the scamming bitch and get your money back!

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • I couldnt give a rats ass!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Could be legit... there are nice people in the world still...

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
Yes but how many times do you hear of the person being "scammed" getting exactly what they paid for as advertised? :lol:

I totally agree when it's the purchaser getting fucked out of whatever they thought they were buying. But he got what he wanted/paid for, so in this case, it is, in fact, no big deal.

and that´s why it sounds like a perfect plan to the scammer, she gets double the money for the tickets (from cancelling them + reselling them) and figures if he doesn´t get screwed we won´t care for disputing it. Unless, he realises he could actually get the money back EVEN after attending, which would suck for the chick.
and that´s why it sounds like a perfect plan to the scammer, she gets double the money for the tickets (from cancelling them + reselling them) and figures if he doesn´t get screwed we won´t care for disputing it. Unless, he realises he could actually get the money back EVEN after attending, which would suck for the chick.

she didn't get double the money, she just gained the price of the tickets because she bought them in the first place... if she didn't steal 'em from someone else lol
Dear Kevin

Thank you for your email
We can confirm that the tickets you held (order 3707563) at the time of entry to Rammstein on Saturday February 25th 2012 at the LG Arena, Birmingham, were cancelled on 3rd October 2011.

This meant that you were unable to attend the show as the tickets were invalid.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer services department on 0121 767 4000.

Kind Regards,
Customer Services
The Ticket Factory

Time to go for the jugular :D
reminds me of a few years ago when i went to see mastodon and left my tickets on top of the car in the parking garage...came back within 2 mins. for them and they were gone, but the envelope was still there with the receipt

i took the receipt to the ticket counter, called ticketmaster, then had the original tickets cancelled new ones printed. the whole time we're handling this, there's 5-6 scalpers running up and down the block selling tickets. later on inside, i hear some guys talking about how it sucked for the couple of guys who were in line behind them who had tickets that wouldn't scan, and i wouldn't be at all surprised if someone had taken mine, sold them, and those poor suckers got an unwitting second-hand screwing.
it's great that things turned out fine man, but you can't let her off the hook. at least contact her and demand for an explanation. don't mention you got to see the gig, it's completely irrelevant to her screwing you over and might just give her leverage to make it seem less than what she seemingly was trying to do.

edit. i seem to have misunderstood some points. maybe she ran into some financial trouble because of actually coming all the way to your country and having to cancel or something. wait until you hear from her. it still sucks that whatever would have happened, she never told you she canceled the tickets.
sopulurn said:
it's great that things turned out fine man, but you can't let her off the hook. at least contact her and demand for an explanation. don't mention you got to see the gig, it's completely irrelevant to her screwing you over and might just give her leverage to make it seem less than what she seemingly was trying to do.

edit. i seem to have misunderstood some points. maybe she ran into some financial trouble because of actually coming all the way to your country and having to cancel or something. wait until you hear from her. it still sucks that whatever would have happened, she never told you she canceled the tickets.

He said she cancelled months ago, how does that make sense?
Ok this crazy.

I still havent done anything about it as there is plenty of paypal time. Havent spoken to her since the gig. I get home today and I find a small parcel addressed to me from her, with a nice hand written note. You'll love this.

Hi Kevin,

Sometimes I still think about the shock you might have got when you got told that the rammstein tickets were cancelled at the arena...
it all based on a misunderstanding between me and the ticket factory, and though it first seemed that the tickets were paid in October, I got the amount credited 8 weeks later and did not notice that. Sorry!

I'm really glad that you and your friends got to see the sho!! Ticket factory charged the amount again now. And I want to apologise with some german high quality goodies - like music, chocolate and schnaps!

I open the box and find a "Mein Teil" Rammstein single, a packet of Wagner Montelimar chocolate, and a small bottle of Jagermeister.

What the fuck?!

1. Fuck her up on ebay and paypal, keep the goodies and toast a nice shot of jager to owning a cheeky scammer. Hilarity ensues
2. Forget about it

Needless to say I shall be checking up with the ticket factory although theres not much point, I dont actually believe a word of it naturally- stranger things have happend though :D
Jarkko Mattheiszen said:
A scammer doesn't send you chocolate and Jäger as an apology :lol:

Seems like there really was a rare mix up this time! That, or she's recently found Jesus.

Honestly, in my experience with scammers, those things that you say a scammer doesn't do, that's exactly what they do in order to look innocent. The only reason I can't be sure it's a scam is that I can't really see a benefit margin to the "gifts" and the price of the tickets. I don't get it though, did she say they charged her again for the tickets?? Or did I misunderstand?
Honestly, in my experience with scammers, those things that you say a scammer doesn't do, that's exactly what they do in order to look innocent. The only reason I can't be sure it's a scam is that I can't really see a benefit margin to the "gifts" and the price of the tickets. I don't get it though, did she say they charged her again for the tickets?? Or did I misunderstand?

Around here the scammers don't even put any effort in it, since the authorities don't give a fuck if they scam someone off a hundred bucks or so. Seriously, those rodents are insanely blatant over here because they know they can go on for years and years without facing any real consequences :D
kev said:
I'm still pretty convinced its a scam, and that this is a sweetner gift giving her much more chance of holding on to her 150 quid. I am a pesimist at heart :lol:

I have to agree with you, although I'd rather say "skeptic" instead of pessimist :lol: I don't see how "a misunderstanding" can lead to accidentally canceling tickets and then "woooops I got 150£ in my back account months ago and never noticed", hell if I get an extra euro in my account I'll sure notice.
Empathy said:
Take your schnaps and be happy; you saw the show, you recieved loot, what more do you want?

Considering the MO of these people, she's probably done it to many people and they all decided to take the schnapps and be happy and she's doing fine, that's how scammers make a fortune. Hell, you should fucking sue her ass if that were possible