Alphabet game

Lame. In fact, California is one of my least favorite states. I know tons of people like it, but it's right near the bottom of the list with Florida of places I definitely don't want to go to. California has way too much population and Florida is a nasty hot place.
My rebuttal is that you're going to the wrong places in California. Santa Barbara has a population of 80,000 people. That's nothing compared to Anaheim (where I'm from) or San Diego.
Offhand, I'd like to visit every single state in the US, seeing as I've only been to three.

Tubbs Mcgee said:
ZOMG, there's always been a problem with X in the alphabet. I think we should get rid of it altogether.

'Xylophone is spelled with an X. That's wrong. Xylophone ZZZ X, I don't fucking see it. Next time you spell Xylophone, use a Z and if someone says "Hey thats wrong!" say "... no it ain't." If you think that that's wrong then you need to get your head Z-Rayed. It's like X didn't have enough to do so they had to promise it more. "Okay, you won't start a lot of words, but you will have a co-starring role in Tic-Tac-Toe. And you will be equated with hugs and kisses. And you will mark the spot. And you will make writing 'Christmas' easier. And you will incidentally start 'xylophone.' Are you happy, ya fucking X?"'~Mitch Hedberg
Pretty difficult to do, but it would be fun. But there are a few states I'd rather shoot myself than be in for more than an hour. Like Utah, North Dakota, Kansas...
Seriously, unless you're a mormon, there's nothing good about Utah.

EDIT: Hey, fun fact about Utah! Salt Lake City leads the United States in web searches of "nude volleyball"
Ultimately, the Mormon faith will fail like all others before it.

I therefore pity your drummer.