Alright, this is (tied for) my gnarliest master ever.

Nice! Mix is great as well. Was done with FG-X by any chance? I think I'm hearing some of its high transient shaping on the snare, but I could just be being stupid.
That sounds pretty fuckin' awesome. I think the guitars are pretty overgained, though. Bass guitar sits really well and does a damn good job of thickening up the guitars. Don't like the snare or the kick much.
I didn't really dig the mix, the snare and kick are a little puffy sounding rather than slap / punching (but obviously that's personal taste)... and to me personally I just feel that everything is too far apart, it seems lowendish and toppy but lacking in the middle (probably just my personal taste though). It sounds loud as fuck but lacking in meat for my liking.

Congrats on the loudness though man.
Very nice Darth, my only complaint though is the obvious choice of the samples. I hate slate samples on their own, they already sound too generic and I think if you blended a bit more to create a more unique drumsound would work out much better, but that's just my opinion. I like what you did with the bass, I like the fact that it's poking through very thickly and not with the typical "high mid grit". Nice job!
Very nice Darth, my only complaint though is the obvious choice of the samples. I hate slate samples on their own, they already sound too generic and I think if you blended a bit more to create a more unique drumsound would work out much better, but that's just my opinion. I like what you did with the bass, I like the fact that it's poking through very thickly and not with the typical "high mid grit". Nice job!

you're obviously totally right. but if i'm sensing that's what a band wants, then that's my MO. i'm not really concerned at all with mixing "creatively", in this genre, when i can instead opt to have a revolving door of pleased clients getting the same cookie cutter mix for their cookie cutter bands.

creative bands can have creative mixes...haha.