final master, third times a charm. *typical sneapster alert*


Nov 17, 2008
the influence i've received from being on this forum non-stop is exceedingly evident in this project.

looking for alaska

metalcore kids.

could probably guess everything that's going on soundwise, I really just wanted to post to see what you guys thought of the DIY master chain on the 2-bus. This was my third/final attempt at a master, after several failed car tests. I think i got this one decent. it's SSL bus comp (master preset, tweaked to taste) > L2 shaving off around 4db, and then ozone shaving off another 4db with a 2db boost.

I tracked with the worst overheads choice imaginable...a pair of AT813s, old electret vocal condensers. I had another pair of SDCs, one of them broke, so I threw these up in a pinch. they really lack the top end sizzle i like in overheads. so i had a super hard time compensating. what i eventually did that somewhat satisfied me was tickled the super high end with ozones mutliband exciter, and THEN compensated by reducing a few DB in the top end in ozones parametric EQ.

overall the whole master is super loud and squashed... I learned alot about psychoaccoustics and "apparent loudness" with this one... i slammed it for beef, and succeeded, and could detect no pumping at all in my RP5s, seinnheiser headphones, or the control room stereo...yet when i played it back on laptop speakers, the pumping was SUPER evident. i'll have to read up on "apparent loudness". lesson learned.

happy as usual to spill any dirt on the mix, just ask.

also the snare is particularly unsquashed for this sort of mix, i compressed it a tad but it was a sample to begin with and it sonically resembled the kids real snare so i left its character intact to make him happy.

my first, last, and only glitch usage. rip me if you must. i am but a man, and a sneapster at that. :Smug:
i also wanted to add that this is the first project where i employed all those neat reaper tempo mapping / drum editing tricks. the kid did not play to a click, so i tempo mapped the whole thing by hand, straightened out the tempo map so parts with no time changes were smooth and consistent, then converted shells to MIDI and hard quantized. in some cases (china breakdowns) i sampled the overheads as well. the method used is almost perfect....the only flaw is the adjusted MIDI drum hits can be out of sync with the hits that bleed into the overheads. for the most part it's undetectable. if something was really obvious in a certain part i'd just replace the overhead track for that section with cymbal samples. the drums are metal foundry.
It's sounding good dude! Although the snare does get a bit buried sometimes it sounds cool! Toms sound pretty raw, but I love them!! I don't care for the dudes voice, but it's sounding good dude, don't sweat so much on it. Although yeah, the whole mix is a bit squashed, but nevertheless it isn't bad, it sounding good here
Its sounds great overall !.
But sometimes the mix (mostly guitars) is a bit to "crowded" if that makes any sense.. guess thats the squashed part Sptz talked about.
(Also I kinda dig the song hehe :))
quad tracked, one 7170 and one 8505 on each side. each into boogex, one with awesome1.wav and one with spreshigh.wav. gain pretty high. guitar bus has EQ and C4, the EQ is just hi/low pass and the C4 is the sneap standard to tame lowmids. oh, and panning was 100 - 80 - 80 - 100
sounds really cool,sometimes i hear a bit of clipping distortion (for example, at the beginning where the toms play) and afterwards, at the guitars..

i also like the little break in there.. with the garage kind of drum sound and then when your coming back to the song.. sounds really good..

and the guitar tone is also very nice..
7170 & 8505 :) :rock:
thanks doodz. yea, i limited super hot/loud (see mastering chain) so i bet some discerning ears could detect a bit of digital clipping and some pumping. but the kids are pumped as fuck, as expected. any other questions let me know.
sansamp bass driver > compress/EQ. that's about it. didn't even split the signal this time like i usually do, the kid has a "spector" which i thought were really cheap but it had a nice crunchy tone with strong mids to it. between that and getting the sansamp settings right, there wasn't really much it needed. sometimes it's best to not fix it if it ain't broke.