2nd times a charm...


Apr 7, 2010

This isnt really for promoting purposes....if anyone could give me tips on making the programmed drums have a more lively feel. I don't have a vast knowledge of these "impulse" things, I might try to edit the velocity of some of the MIDI notes, would that help, even a little bit?

also, can anyone give me advice on making a guitar solo stand out more? it seems that when I have a solo in the mix,(not this song, i like the levels on this one) The guitar solo will be too low and indistinguishable. Not volume wise, but the notes bleed into the rest of the music. When i bring the volume up, or ad some Gain, It comes out fine, but its too loud and often will have a very annoying quality. Is it just my recording process? or can I do something with EQ or anything?

this is all will Logic.

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You could use automation to bring down all other instruments
when the solo kicks in. Then you wouldn't have the problem
with a too loud mix. :P