Stuck with Mix, need Suggestions


Jun 15, 2010
Hey guys! Been a while since I posted anything here.

So I'm working on some solo project stuff, and I've got the mix to this point and I'm really having a hard time making moves now. Yet, to me it just does not sound professional yet. Any advice to give this mix that added professionalism?

Some notes:
The song is a work in progress, vocal wise.
I'm going for a pop/rock kind of thing here.
It's not mastered.
For some reason, on my car stereo the piano distorts bad in the beginning, and I have no idea why.

So any advice at all would benefit me at this point... I'm stuck, I don't know what to do! Mixtest 1.mp3
  1. Drums sound too roomy and a bit thin. You want a warm, natural sound there, not a tight metal one.
  2. Branching from that, you especially need a fat-sounding snare. The drum sound you have works for metal, it's very articulate, but it's not good for a pop/rock piece. Don't be afraid to have a longer release on your compressor too.
  3. The lead vocal lacks energy. I think it could partially be the performance but it could also use some more reverb and delay, and have its level pushed a bit. With this kind of music you really need to have the vocal sit on top of everything else.
  4. I think your arrangement is too busy, especially around the chorus. Consider cutting a part or two out.
  5. With pianos etc. don't be afraid to EQ out everything below even 400-500 hz, if it prevents the mix from getting cloudy.
Thanks man, I'll keep it all in mind!

I feel like I should double the vocals, to bring up the energy.

And also, I'm really not used to anything other than mixing metal, which explains the drum sound (which I love, btw!)
So I don't even know how to go about making them warm and fat. Any advice?
what did you use for drums?

-i would suggest to do some parallel compression on drums, eq-ing a lot the snare (180/220hz will add some "fatness").

-use some tools on the voice like a 1/4 note delay with a nice feedback to add some energy (but keep in mind that maybe you have to track it again, there's a lack of "intepretation" if you know what i mean)

-too many overdubs/arrangement on the chorus (as the other guys said)

-EQ-ing more guitars, i think there is too much mud on the low mids (200/300hz)

-bad autotune settings accordin to my ears, try to make it more "realaxed"

i hope it will be helpful, please do not hesitate to ask anything :D