
Apr 15, 2011
Been working on this mix quite a bit, I'm pretty happy with the guitar tone I got, but this is my second mix with SSD and I'm still trying to get a feel for getting them to sound more realistic. Anyways, any suggestion for the mix? Please pardon the horrible vocalists, and badly tuned clean singing. I did not take my time yet to go in and fine tune it.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/mix 1.mp3

Thanks guys!
major clipping on the guitars. dont know if its an intentional distorted effect but its not pleasant to my ears. Vocals are pretty cool.

How can you tell they're clipping? I've only been doing this for about 5 months and I still can't really tell when something is clipping, I especially didn't realize the guitars were clipping.
They're clipping when they sound crackly. They could also just be pushing the limiter on the master too hard, eventually even with a limiter you start to get weird artifacts if it compresses it too hard.
They're clipping when they sound crackly. They could also just be pushing the limiter on the master too hard, eventually even with a limiter you start to get weird artifacts if it compresses it too hard.

exactly. the sound sounds really crackly and pops a lot. When I started recording many years ago it took me a bit to figure it out. Check your guitar levels and make sure they're not exceeding 0 db.