Alright which one of you is this?

whahahha expensive
hmm whooo would want to sell such a beauty !!

are they that expensive because it's the alexi model??
for i've seen jackson randy rhoads and they start about 800 euro's but those are the cheapest ones ;)

but 3500 dollers :OMG:
That's too fuckin much for a guitar like that. And even if that was a Pope's signature model I woudn't give 3500$ for guitar witht that specs.
no shit, im building 3 alexi V's right now and im not even up to 1000 yet, i told that dude he was charging twice what it was worth used
goth_fiend said:
no shit, im building 3 alexi V's right now and im not even up to 1000 yet, i told that dude he was charging twice what it was worth used

you building them from scratch, or from premade parts (warmoth and the like)? i only ask because im thinking of building one too.