Alrosa Security Tells ANTHRAX Guitarist To '' Himself

Man I hate when people get pissed off when they are clearly accountable. It's like that Dane Cook bit "Why did you let me hit you from behind doing 80????" If that guy would spend less time making tshirts and more time doing his job maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation. "oh no someone pointed out my incompetence in a public forum...boohoo". Here's an idea...get your shit together and you wont get embarassed in front of the world. :hotjump:
Carl454 said:
Man I hate when people get pissed off when they are clearly accountable. It's like that Dane Cook bit "Why did you let me hit you from behind doing 80????" If that guy would spend less time making tshirts and more time doing his job maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation. "oh no someone pointed out my incompetence in a public forum...boohoo". Here's an idea...get your shit together and you wont get embarassed in front of the world. :hotjump:

That's a great Dane Cook reference. lol I agree with you by the way.
I didn't see this guy/shirt.
Fuck him for that, but didn't two other security guys get killed that were Alrosa Security?
I'm sure some were shot and I think they did what they could.
How many of you take bullets at your job?
Not exactly what they signed up for I'm sure.
Bleearg said:
I didn't see this guy/shirt.
Fuck him for that, but didn't two other security guys get killed that were Alrosa Security?
I'm sure some were shot and I think they did what they could.
How many of you take bullets at your job?
Not exactly what they signed up for I'm sure.

I think Scott meant when the guy was first acting up, not when he started shooting.
I can totally see where Scott was coming from and for the dipshit security guard to make a tee-shirt saying Fuck Scott Ian or someshit, and then pays to see Scott play is pathetic (sorry I'm drunk, so the sentence might not sound right.) The security guard should realize that the answer wasn't from Scott Ian, the guitarist from Anthrax, but from Scott Rosenfeld, who was mourning the loss of a close friend, and like all of us, has a lot of unanswered questions about what led up to the tragic events that happened last year. I'm sorry to go off, but that security guard's attitude really pissed me off. I'm not saying the guy should hang his head in shame or anything, but to make a statement like that is just wrong. Let Scott express his feelings without you trying to get your antics onto some message board. He is a human being just like the rest of us, he just happens to be very talented and great at what he does.
LuvataciousSkull said:
I guess you've never been to a Philly show. Every single major venue and all the small clubs have air-tight security. Even the smallest club, the TLA that holds about 1100, has pat-downs before you go in. I honestly don't mind. I've never felt unsafe at a show because of it, and the guards normally are good guys.

I don't know man...I just went to the Amon Amarth show at the Troc 'bout 1 month ago, and I walked in with barely any patdown at all.

99% of all metal shows in NYC have wanded metal detectors now (and have for 5 years or so).
MadeInNewJersey said:
I don't know man...I just went to the Amon Amarth show at the Troc 'bout 1 month ago, and I walked in with barely any patdown at all.

99% of all metal shows in NYC have wanded metal detectors now (and have for 5 years or so).

Yeah, the Troc is getting a bit more relaxed with it now. I think it's new security or something. But, damn it, they DO pat you down! :)
They did, but it was soooo casual. I've only been to 1 other show in Philly (at the TLA), but it wasn't a metal show and I can't recall security.

Any metal show at Irving Plaza, Roseland, or Hammerstein has metal wand detectors. BB Kings & the new Nokia are just a patdown. And the Beacon is nothing, lol. So actually now that I think about it, it's less than 99.9% of all metal shows in NYC. oops. :D
LuvataciousSkull said:
There's no real sequrity at the Crocadile Rock in Allentown, either. No patdowns, at least. Kinda creepy to me.

I got patted down. By a very scary man. YES he was part of the security!
Mr. Wu said:
He said fuck you with his shirt? That's heeelarious. What a jackass. I wish I would've seen it. I like where it says that I stared at him for 1/2 a minute and read the message. The guy can read minds as well.

Looks like they boosted security a tad and hired mind readers.....

On another nonte, in some of the venues I have been in (Kansas mind you) SOME places are totally cracking down on moshing, or even if you LOOK threatening, you are out, and aint coming back in. Missed a Helmet show for that....bastards.
Karina_666 said:
I can totally see where Scott was coming from and for the dipshit security guard to make a tee-shirt saying Fuck Scott Ian or someshit, and then pays to see Scott play is pathetic (sorry I'm drunk, so the sentence might not sound right.) The security guard should realize that the answer wasn't from Scott Ian, the guitarist from Anthrax, but from Scott Rosenfeld, who was mourning the loss of a close friend, and like all of us, has a lot of unanswered questions about what led up to the tragic events that happened last year. I'm sorry to go off, but that security guard's attitude really pissed me off. I'm not saying the guy should hang his head in shame or anything, but to make a statement like that is just wrong. Let Scott express his feelings without you trying to get your antics onto some message board. He is a human being just like the rest of us, he just happens to be very talented and great at what he does.

Hey there - for someone who is drunk you can still write pretty good, now that' s talent. I can' write as good as you when Iam sober :)

I still gotta post up the pic of the 'Pentathrax Cake' my wife organise for my birthday ....

BTW - Agree 100% with what you have said
Arg_Hamster said:
I think he should have "Fuck Natan Gales mom" on his shirt because she gave her fruitcake spawn the gun.
I think he should have "I fucked Nathan Gales Mom" on his shirt.
The Alrosa really doesn't even have any business still being open IMO. The place is a total dump. I mean the same guy that was giving the band shit earlier that day was able to just casually walk up on stage DURING the show and start shooting people and somehow this dipshit can't see how that might be a sign that security wasn't at least a little bit to blame? please :rolleyes: