New songs on upcoming tour?


Thrash Bastard
Apr 2, 2005
Brandon Daviet of Marquee Magazine recently conducted an interview with ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

On changing the face of metal forever by releasing "I'm the Man", one of the first songs to be a true rap/metal hybrid.

"We put out 'I'm the Man' on our own terms, we had total creative freedom with our recording contract so there was no opposition from the record company. We have always done what we wanted with the band, that's always been important to us."

On the band's current reunion and their resurgence in popularity:

"We are planning to try a few new tunes on the upcoming tour in January, but we won't make an album just to make one. We are really enjoying playing live with Joey [Belladonna, vocals] and we are playing songs we haven't played in a long time, like 'Medusa', and are considering others like 'Skeletons in the Closet'."

On the civil lawsuit that was filed against the Alrosa Villa club in Ohio, where ANTHRAX's longtime friend and frequent guest lead guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott (PANTERA, DAMAGEPLAN) was murdered:

"I absolutely think the club should be responsible for what happened. There is no excuse for a club not to have appropriate security. Many people have said that [Nathan] Gale [Dimebag's killer] was causing trouble earlier in the evening. If that club would have had appropriate security, things may have turned out different."
New Songs? Cool, although I think it would be interesting to hear Joey do a Bush song (however unlikely that event may be). I also agree that the club or at least the hired security should be held accountable. Concerts and the security, especially in smaller venues, will never be the same because of that incident. RIP Dime.
BIGPHAT442 said:
I think by new songs he meant (existing) songs they haven't played in a while or at all.

That's the impression I got. I also thought I had read somewhere that they're only playing songs off the 1st 5 records, isn't that right?

Guess I'll find out Saturday night!
Depending on how quickly and how good they play it, yeah it is concievable they have whole new songs. In a week and a halfI am going to the Lawrence show, I will let everyone know how it went down and if I heard anything new. Ya never know, they might just throw in a little doodle as an encore or messing around or something.
I hope if they do indeed play "new" songs, they limit it to 1 or so. No one's going to these shows to hear new crap, especially since Ian & Benante have demonstrated time & again that they're completely out-of-touch with the modern metal world.
DarrellDethSDMF said:
You can do a lot of writing in two weeks.

I know you can, but my point is that they haven't been working on them since Scott said they had "skeletons". Since he said that, there's been the holidays and Scott said he was going to Paris.
I'm not arguing about it, but i'd be shocked if they did play a new song.
I'll be happy if they just change the set list. Shit, i'm going to be happy if they just play "skeletons in the closet".
MadeInNewJersey said:
I hope if they do indeed play "new" songs, they limit it to 1 or so. No one's going to these shows to hear new crap, especially since Ian & Benante have demonstrated time & again that they're completely out-of-touch with the modern metal world.

That's a little harsh, they could have done sooo much worse ::coughcoughmetallicacough::
Thrillho said:
That's a little harsh, they could have done sooo much worse ::coughcoughmetallicacough::

You definitely have a point, but at the same time, I would've expected better from Anthrax. I listen to interviews with these guys now, or read them, and I see them say how bands "like Korn, Disturbed, Slipknot..." are so great, and "keeping the scene alive," and I just shake my head in disgust.

The ONLY reason I'm going to see them Saturday night is because they're only playing songs from when they knew how to write metal.