Alternative Rock


Jan 22, 2009
Hi, guys!
This is not final mix, and i wanna hear you advices :) mesa dual rectifier

Drums: Sonor F1007 triggered, Sabian Cymbals (Sennheiser e-914 pair), Mono room (Behringer B-2 Pro)
Guitar: Gibson Les Paul Studio -> Axe-Fx II
Bass: Fender Precision 5 American Standart -> Axe-Fx II
Vocal: Behringer B-2 Pro -> Focusrite Saffire Pro 40

final version (with marshall jcm800)
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ok, i'll share multitracks on this week
this is final version, reference mix is katy perry "self inflicted" :) veeeery nice mix, i don't know how they get this awesome dry, punchy sound.

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nice mix, but I think in this genre the vocals are the most important element, so take the snare down a few db, it's very dominant. Doesn't feel right to me. A plate reverb on the snare could be cool.. good mix!
neonlight, just listen katy perry "self inflicted" - this is my reference mix. i tried to make sound balance like this mix
now realy final version, re-reamped with marshall jcm800, cuz dual rectifier too brootal for this style )

now I'm completely satisfied :)
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