Axe FX vs Real Amps Shootout


Apr 17, 2011
Madrid, Spain
Hola foreros.

Ibanez STM-1>Focusrite Saffire>Logic Pro 9.

Reamp Chain.
Saffire>Radial X-amp>Axe FX II>Logic
Real Amps, Reamp Chain
Saffire>Radial X-amp>MXR Dynacomp>El Ampli>Harley Benton 2X12 con V30>Shure SM57>Saffire>logic

Axe Fx II
5150 + Mesa cab : Reamps/Axe FX II 5150.mp3
Das Metal (Diezel VH4) + Mesa Cab : Reamps/Axe Fx II Das Metal.mp3
Marshall JVM Od2 + Marshall G12-t75 : Reamps/Axe FX II JVM Od2.mp3
Mesa Rectifier Orange Modern + Mesa cab : Reamps/Axe Fx II Rectifier Orange Modern.mp3
Mesa Mark IV With tone match : Reamps/Axe Fx II Mark IV Tone Match.mp3

Real Amps
Diezel Einsten : Reamps/Diezel Einstein.mp3
EVH 5150 III : Reamps/EVH 5150 III.mp3

This is the Backing Track. Reamps/Backing Track.mp3

And a Photo of the gear
The tones are really comparable. Each of them sounds equally realistic to me at least. The Einstein is my favorite out of these. After that the Axe Recto and Axe Diezel. The tone match sounds weird and was my least favorite of the bunch. Since I'm the match EQ geek of the board I'd say the tone matching process needs more guidelines for the user.
when i heard the axe clips i expected the real amps to sound different but they do indeed sound comparable. Guess you must have your way of getting tones :)
thank you for the shootout!
Firmware 6 is where it's at. I've always felt some kind of boxiness within the Axe, even the II, but with firmware 6, hell no.

It would be awesome to use the internal reamp feature within the Axe II, then reamp with Axe-->poweramp-->real cab. The end result WILL be impressive.
to me it's definitively the box+mic thing, i think an axe standard or II < FW6 would sound great also just because t's miced.
These are stock cabs in the Axe?

Haven't really played around with 6.0 on mine, might have to check it out, these sound pretty damn good. I liked all the Axe FX clips better than the real amp clips, except the JVM one :P
These are stock cabs in the Axe?

Haven't really played around with 6.0 on mine, might have to check it out, these sound pretty damn good. I liked all the Axe FX clips better than the real amp clips, except the JVM one :P

Yes, Mesa Red Wirez for 6505, das metal, rectifier and Icc.
Marshall gt75 for marshall

Any chance on providing the di's =D?
Probrably i post them tomorrow
All of 'em sound like shit. No offense. The amp ones sound the most decent. I'm not sure what it is but all the tones from axe fx II especially sound very poopy for some reason.