Quick amp shootout! (Ola's di's)

..tweaking them in about 10 seconds to sound good in the room (which never really. IMO, translates well to what the mic is picking up).

How do you normally dial/mic the tones, CJ?

My starting point is always to get the tone sounding best in the room (and by that I mean with my face about 6 inches back from the speaker, direct on) and proceed to 'EQ' with mic position shifts from there. Seems to have worked best out of any other approach. Good room tones (once again, face directly in front of speaker) seem to translate to good recorded tones for me.

Though I guess you could dispute my definition of 'room tone' then, because as soon as you lift your face from the speaker it usually sounds scooped, boomy or trebly as fuck.
It's ok, I get the same issue with the Mark. Great in the room, you mic it and its a different beast all together. I think you should play with the GEQ more. I like to have the treble around 7 ish on the IV and then use the eq to suit.

Great amps, I think it's just taking the time to get the right tone out of them.
Stock V8 pickup? Wow, it sounded better than I expected. My personal experiences with the V8/V7 set have not been pleasant. Good harmonics, but otherwise the tonality is pretty mediocre sounding
I've replaced (or the previous owner did) the V8-7 and V7-7s in my 7 string Ibanez guitars with aftermarket pickups.
Depends on the actives for me. EMG 81s can sound terrible on some stuff. 85s and 707s are more my trip. Even so I wouldn't enforce that on any band. It really is about what works best for whichever project. I'd not be using 81s for radio-rock.

Hate Ibanez in general though.
Stock V8 pickup? Wow, it sounded better than I expected. My personal experiences with the V8/V7 set have not been pleasant. Good harmonics, but otherwise the tonality is pretty mediocre sounding
I've replaced (or the previous owner did) the V8-7 and V7-7s in my 7 string Ibanez guitars with aftermarket pickups.

Yeah it's a decent pickup. I wouldn't play a gig with those pups but they sound pretty ok recorded
for me its
6505+ > XXX/Tremoverb/Fireball > MKV

the only one i dont quite like is the mkv, xxx tremo & engl are quite the same great but the 6505+ catches me the most. can be an absolute subjective thing cause its my standardamp though :D

great sounds, wish i could such a sound with one 57^^ do you have any fotos or so? would be very interesting for me...also was the od820 only a touch, or did it have major influence on the sound?
How do you normally dial/mic the tones, CJ?

My starting point is always to get the tone sounding best in the room (and by that I mean with my face about 6 inches back from the speaker, direct on) and proceed to 'EQ' with mic position shifts from there. Seems to have worked best out of any other approach. Good room tones (once again, face directly in front of speaker) seem to translate to good recorded tones for me.

Though I guess you could dispute my definition of 'room tone' then, because as soon as you lift your face from the speaker it usually sounds scooped, boomy or trebly as fuck.

By 'room', I mean sitting quite a few feet away, sitting in a chair, standing up, etc.

But indeed, I usually do it by dialing in the amp to sound the most pleasing to my ears when im right on front of the cab, exactly as you described.

In fact, the best way for me is to have the cab in a totally different room and monitor it from the control room, tweaking as necessary based on what I hear from the monitors.

Also, I usually use the whitenoise trick FIRST to get a general sweet spot for the mic and tweak from there.

Right on dude, I haven't signed in in awhile (I go for pretty long spans forgetting it exists), but next time we're both on I'll hit you up! :rock: