After Me, the Flood - NEWEST CJ MIX!!!!

Charles J

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008
preface: nothing is going to be changed. this is what I sent the band for approval and got ALL thumbs up. I'm quite fucking proud of this.

love it. or hate it. your call =D


Lot's of outboard printed to the drums, bass and vocals. Some in series some running parallel...

GTRS = EC1000 > TS9 > 5150 > Mesa OS Cab w/421+57 thru Trident S20 and running at the same time, a 1960B > i5 > CL 7602 MKII.

Bass is like 4 tracks all serving various purposes.

Vox are double tracked all the way through. SM7 > CL 7602 w/EQ > dbx 160a printed on the way in.

Also, M/S room mic in control room during vocals.

NOW time to make recall notes and do the rest of the 4 songs!

Realy like your way of mixing heavy bands.
It all sounds so super brutal and raw, but also has all the good things about clean itb mixes....

Like the hybrid brings the brutalz :)

good work
Im on headphones at the airport and im not sure if I love or hate this mix. I love the vocals a lot but a lot of guitar notes get lost in the mix to my ears. This could be to the player himself. Sounds fucking huge though and im just being picky.

On a side note, i'm bummed we did not get to hang out guys. Im hoping to make it back to Flordia soon though. ;)
Im on headphones at the airport and im not sure if I love or hate this mix. I love the vocals a lot but a lot of guitar notes get lost in the mix to my ears. This could be to the player himself. Sounds fucking huge though and im just being picky.

On a side note, i'm bummed we did not get to hang out guys. Im hoping to make it back to Flordia soon though. ;)

Yeah josh next time you make it down we need to plan something ahead of time so we can all go out and party ;)
thanks guys!

i always inherently aim for a certain aesthetic to my mixes and 'feel', more so and basically mix/process shit until I get there.

I got there this time, IMO.


Plus, I have VCC on EVERY, SINGLE channel. =D

As for the guitars, I think you can hear the single notes rather well. I'm not known for super clarity in gtrs but I think these are some of the cleanest I've gotten.

The players pick attack was a little spongy so that explains the sound on the single note stuff.... kind of a soggy attack.

thanks guys!
Guitars are a bit scooped and harsh. The kick and the overall compression are a bit intrusive. The OHs could go up a notch. Other than that, sounds good and heavy.
Guitars are a bit scooped and harsh. The kick and the overall compression are a bit intrusive. The OHs could go up a notch. Other than that, sounds good and heavy.

imo, every element and the interaction between them makes the vibe and feel of the mix come alive and just pushed right in your face.

as i mentioned in one of my videos, i'm a BIG 2-BUSS processing guy. I love how I can push the faders and change the whole timbre and euphonic quality of the mix.

That aside, based on the few comments, I've raised the guitars like 0.5dB and raised the OH's like 0.75dB or so. Also used a different 2-buss comp hitting the entire mix RIGHT before it hits the finalizer.

perfect. =D

and BTW, if it's not already apparent, I'm basically working out MY sound and what *I* want to be known for, sonically.... so. yes, this is very different from what's in vogue, while still pulling a bit of inspiration from current productions..... idk. hard to explain

thanks guys!
Kick is absolutely god-like, and while I can't really hear the bass at all, I can sure as hell feel it - the low-end on this is just about perfect man :headbang: However, IMO it's a bit on the dense side in the mids; I actually feel the guitars are slightly too loud (I'm listening to BETA2), and kinda undefined - partially the tone (it's got a scratchiness to it that I'm not crazy about, thinking it might be from the T75's), partially the tuning, and undoubtedly partially his picking technique (which I can hear isn't the absolute greatest), and I personally would prefer the vox to be a bit more upfront. I dunno, I definitely feel you on the hybrid thing, but I still would like something just a bit cleaner, especially with the guitars. But overall, it punches like a sunovabitch man, well done :headbang:
I can't wait for the day you can stop wasting such excellent work on such fucking terrible bands.
Sounds huge CJ
Gotta love the variance of opinions in this place eh?

For me it's a little too unorthodox, but I respect that you're doing your thing and making it your own with each project. A lot to be said for that.
Gotta love the variance of opinions in this place eh?

For me it's a little too unorthodox, but I respect that you're doing your thing and making it your own with each project. A lot to be said for that.

Thanks Ermz. I always wait and/or look forward to your opinion on my current stuff...

and YES, this is what I've noticed with my mixes around here. It's a HUGE Love/Hate thing. Which, in my twisted view of reality, is a GOOD thing. =D

I can do the huge, ITB, ultra-clinical clean thing, check out the new King Conquer. TOTALLY not how you'd ever hear me mix a band like that, but that's what the label wanted...

I like ...... exaggeration.... and ambience..... and.... almost theatrical over the top-ness...

oh AND: i'm not going against the grain per se' just to do it like an adolescent. this is how *I* envision these bands should sound on a record.... anddddd, it just so happens that it's a little left field-ish.

thanks all. even those who don't particularly like it =D
I think it's always going to be touch and go, hit and miss, until you really find your sound, and then that sound takes root in the scene. When it popularizes and becomes the 'norm', people will tend to be a lot more receptive to it. We're in very similar places at the moment... trying to find our own individual voices, away from the cliches and stereotypes of this place. People will hate it, others won't... it just comes with the territory. The important thing is that you keep stretching your boundaries. As long as you've challenged yourself, even if you 'fail' by some objective measure, it's still much more admirable than playing it safe for the rest of your life just for the paycheck.

Props man, keep it up.