Love your mixes but that hole in the mids always annoys me :/

thanks guys!!! hahaha, i hear you bro... it's a problem with our control room that is a battle. Our new facility should rectify this 100%. BUT, a lot of it is just my style.

Be prepared for fucking SICKNESS.
The last couple of mixes that I've heard from you have pretty much convinced me that you're the go-to person for anything I do in a band that I'm seriously trying to be successful in.

If I can find a couple dudes who have what it takes to be a successful band, I'm going to get a few thousand and head your way. Hope that's cool with you. :)
The last couple of mixes that I've heard from you have pretty much convinced me that you're the go-to person for anything I do in a band that I'm seriously trying to be successful in.

If I can find a couple dudes who have what it takes to be a successful band, I'm going to get a few thousand and head your way. Hope that's cool with you. :)

wow. that is one of the most AWESOME compliments i've ever gotten....

and FUCK yeah I'm down dude, as long as I'm into the music and kick my balls in, I'm game.

again, you don't know how much it means to me that people respect what I do and 'get'/love/like my sound + aesthetic. <3 <3 <3