NEW NEW PRODUCTION - 5150 and shittttt!

Haha, America's Tue Madsen. I fucking LOVE Tue's work!

Since the band had only ONE qualm, and it was a vocal line I added to one of the songs before a break that they don't quite like, I've got to revisit these sessions anyhow, so I may as well back off on the mastering, mess with the bass/kick relationship and fix what I know I did to the guitars that made 'em sound a little harsh.

Suffice to say, I pretty much know exactly what I've got to change as I tried a few new things that aren't working (apparently, ahahaha). Shouldn't take me more than 30 min or so to get this proper rocking. Although I don't want to change the sonic entirely because as a WHOLE it does sound how I want it to, it's just a few little things (kick/bass proportion) and the overzealous mastering..

Updated mix to come probably tomorrow or Friday!

Snare sample was.... I don't remember! Knowing me, it's probably a mix of 3 or 4 different samples, run through a ridiculously long chain of plugs, lol.
Guitar tone was too scooped too... didn't sound terrible, but not great either...

overall, needs a lot more clarity and polish

Besides the mastering issues, I'd up the mids a little bit, make the guitars louder in comparison to drums, make the vocals a lot brighter and louder.
I'm listening on the same monitors you have (A7's) and the high end is just ridiculous, man. The guitars are pretty fizzy/fatiguing and I'm guessing that's where most of it's coming from. Low end from the bass totally eats the low end of the kick and sounds pretty mushy. The snare/cymbals/toms sound fucking awesome, as well as the attack on the kick from what I can hear over the bass, but the guitars + bass are ruining this one for me :(.

Im listening through high powered computer speakers as well as KRK Rokit 5's and it sounds pretty good, a bit fatiguing yah but thats just cuz this isnt my style, I really like the mix.
yeah it's all about mix and over'boomed' or something, sorry i can't explain it:loco:...actually i'm new in these stuff :).....
just wanna tell i really love your tone, from drum to guitar, it's sound scooped but in my country there's so many band dying to set the tone like this for their ep......go on mates, just a few step again...:kickass:
I actually find it quite intriguing that some people love it, while some people not so much.

Some of it has to come down to personal taste, besides the few 'technical' flaws.

I'm just not going for uber-clean or polished sounds too much these days, I always just want heavy music like this to be HEAVY AS A REALLY HEAVY THING (weird Dev reference, ahah).
This is mix is nasty as fuck and perfect for the band, guitar tone is amazing, drums flawless,

i <3 you charlie
Hell yeah, this is what I'm talking about!
Love the guitar tone, sounds nice and clear but still brutal as fuck!

Also is this CJWall? I still have some awesome clips from your old songs and they still pop up in my itunes now and then.. Punches me right of the chair.:kickass: