ABIOTIC - TECH/DEATH - Check it!!!!!!!

thanks dudes! =D

i just do what I do and hope people dig it.

hopefully one day i'll be known as the master of violence =D
do not change. the smashing induces loss of bowel control.

thanks for the kind words juju, it's dudes like you that keep my sane. sometime i listen to my mixes and im like 'why does it sound so much fucking different?!?!?!'

my aesthetic is def strange but i think it fits the bands we produce.
I think it's more deathcore than tech/ death, but who gives the crap :lol:
For me this is incredibly AWESOME shit, even listening through laptop speakers in bathroom while making shit! (I saw that phrase somewhere in this forum)
I think it's more deathcore than tech/ death, but who gives the crap :lol:
For me this is incredibly AWESOME shit, even listening through laptop speakers in bathroom while making shit! (I saw that phrase somewhere in this forum)

lmao. i <3 you