Altitudes & Attitude Chicago Show

Yeah, I'm sure they'll play lots of Megadeth and Anthrax songs. Not easy stuff to sing!
Yeah, I'm sure they'll play lots of Megadeth and Anthrax songs. Not easy stuff to sing!

"On Saturday, March 22, come join Bello and Ellefson for a show at Reggie's Chicago. The Altitudes & Attitude live experience includes way more than just three songs, they've put together an interactive format that incorporates a clinic format, Q&A with the audience, and some classic cover songs that have inspired both musicians over the years by artists such as Cheap Trick, The Clash, The Ramones, and more."

"With Frank doing a new Anthrax record and your hectic schedule of touring and press for your book, is there a chance we'll see any touring?

I don’t know if touring is on the horizon, but certainly some one-off performance offers have come our way. In particular, some clinic-based performances can now be more of an all-inclusive concert. So rather than just go up and playing Megadeth or Anthrax songs to an iPod, we now have something new and original to display and incorporate into a night of master class instruction and even live performance. "
Damn I would love to be able to go to that, sounds like a great and unique format. I don't really like the name either but let's face it all the cool names have been taken by now.
Well, this sucks. I have a ticket, but woke up sick. Upper respiratory tract infection. I'd push through and go, but I'm prone to pneumonia. I can't afford to keep missing work.