Alyson Avenue


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I happen to be a fan of Annette's vocals, so I wanted to check out her former band, Alyson Avenue. Much to my surprise, this is AOR. I know that most of you don't dig this style, but I happen to like it. With that said, anyone else like these two releases from Alyson Avenue?

I listened to it when I first heard about Anette replacing Nightwish. I thought it was alright. If I recall correctly, Alyson Avenue is a few of the guys from Cloudscape's other band.
I love BOTH of the CDs although the production on Omega was a bit of a let down for me. You should also check out "Second Heat." It's basically the same band with a guy singer. Songwriting is almost identical though.
I love BOTH of the CDs although the production on Omega was a bit of a let down for me. You should also check out "Second Heat." It's basically the same band with a guy singer. Songwriting is almost identical though.

Ms. Olzen is the highlight for me though. There's nothing really "special" about her voice, but I just love to hear her sing.
