am i the only one who finds such stuff funny?

Does that person wear a tinfoil hat and have a plastic sword ?

dont ask me, ask
No, everyone, it's all ok. You see, the ANUS people fall under that same category of brilliant jokesters as the celebrities who practice Scientology. It's all just a big joke to see how long they can perpetuate madness without being committed. I think they all got together one evening and decided it would be quite a prank to just make up some utterly silly, unapplicable bullshit and see how long they could feed it to people. The disadvantage that the ANUSers have is that they are not celebrities, therefore they cannot get away with everything they do because the American public is not enamored with them. So they're pretty much fighting a losing battle. I think the Scientology practitioners have a pretty good chance of taking over Christianity one day however.
The real joke is that any attempt to divert humanity from its impending doom through giving up its meaningless ideals and hollow progress is seen as a joke.

If every single ideal of humanity was the polar opposite of what it is now there'd still be people that would bitch about it. Shut up and deal with the now and the fact of reality. OR go out and change shit, because I can assure you the change isn't going to come in the form of meaningless words that
30 people are going to read on a music forum.