Amaran on tour - Jan 16-31, 2004


Mar 25, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
We're proud to confirm that Amaran will be on a tour with 'After Forever', 'Dark Moor' and 'Nightmare' in January 2004. The tour has been set up by Metallian (French Magazine). These are the dates:

16.01 BRUSSELS (B) Ten Wyngaert
17.01 ELOYES (F) Espace Culturel
18.01 MARSEILLE (F) Jas Rod
19.01 BARCELONA (S) Mephisto
20.01 GRANADA (S) Sala El Tren
21.01 MADRID (S) Caracol
22.01 IRUN (S) Sala Tunk
23.01 LIMOGES (F) CC John Lennon
24.01 MACON (F) Cave à Musiques
25.01 CLERMONT-FERRAND (F) Coop De Mai
26.01 PARIS (F) La Loco
28.01 TOULOUSE (F) Havana Café
29.01 LILLE (F) MJC De St André Lez Lille
30.01 ROUEN (F) Le Kalif
31.01 ANNEMASSE (F) Le Brise-Glace

We'll see you on tour :hotjump:
Hello Kari !!

Great, I am sure you will earn a lot of new fans during this tour ! Say hello to the guys and girl in AF from me during the tour :) They are very well known by me (especially Floor and Sander)


awww...I wish I could attend one of those gigs...but it's all too damn far away. I was in barcelona just yesterday though, I guess my trip was 3 months too early :lol:
Sinderella said:
I'm probably gonna make it to Brussels together with SanderThomas and Fuzzel!!
Yes indeed, like I told Johanna in 013 we are going to bang our heads in Belgium, this time I will know the songs :) A World Deprived is great btw, I have this good way of testing new cd's... if they are still in my discman when I get home after a long ride in the train then it is good :)

Sinderella said:
Yay! Only 7+31+16 more days! ;)
And even one less now!!! :)
fuzzel said:
Yes indeed, like I told Johanna in 013 we are going to bang our heads in Belgium, this time I will know the songs :) A World Deprived is great btw, I have this good way of testing new cd's... if they are still in my discman when I get home after a long ride in the train then it is good :)

And even one less now!!! :)

Well, we're looking forward to see you in the front row then banging your heads off :D
Sinderella said:
Only if you give us (or at least me) a massage afterwards ;) Friday almost killed me ;)
If you don't forget the lotion, I'll give you a good rubdown :)
Handy that I had some lessons in sportmassage when I was on the swimming team.
SanderThomas said:
I really feel like picking up Sinnerella and visit the show in Brussels. I'm afraid the others are pretty far from home. (Or at least even further)

Cinderella told me, you will give me a ride to! THANK YOU!!!! I'm looking foreward!
SanderThomas said:
Are digital cameras allowed at Ten Wyngaert (Brussel)?
Hmmm, I don't think so...