Amazing Metal Guitar Player


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2005
Hi , I'd like to tell you about
Aldo Vaccaro a new aritst from Toronto Canada.
Aldo is an amazing guitar player who is showcasing
his playing style on his new debut CD/DVD release called Evolution.
He's using his own custom built guitar/pickup,and plays multi Distorted guitar parts all at the same time (you need to see it to fully understand)

We've recently launched his website. Come check out some video and mp3 samples of EVOLUTION at:

My suggestions for videos are:

Maelstrom-Sounds Like 2 Malmsteens (No Over Dubs)
Light Years - Complex Distorted harmonies played at same time.
Caffeine - You'll love this snippet if you like super fast guitar playing.
Ventura's cover - Multi notes & harmonics played with distortion at same time.
Performances of chopin Op66 & bach invention 13 done on a regular 6 string Electric guitar will also be posted in the new year.
__________________ - Evolutionary Guitar