AMC Can Do No Wrong

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004

I saw a short, cryptic preview for this last night. When I woke up this morning I thought it was a small cable network producer of extremely high quality shows is going to do a show about my favorite graphic novel...about zombies. It's just not possible.

Sure enough.

I just finished up Volume 2 of the graphic novel, and it's a top notch comic. Definitely looking forward to the series, I'm hoping they won't change it up that much.
Does anyone else find it frustrating as FVCK that this book only comes out once a month, and takes about 10 mins to read? Sometimes I purposefully don't pick it up for several months straight just so I can give myself a proper sit-down. Come on, Kirkman! We know you have the next 200 issues mapped out already (supposedly true)!!! :extremelypissedoff

Since the book has tons of gore and sex and foul language, it will be interesting to see how it translates to cable.