

Danger - Keep Away
Jan 6, 2004
So then, Any Amen fans about?

I've heard one album, it's great for a punk album, infact right now my favorite punk band. Wish I could see them live though.
They're my favourite punk band too. I saw them live in april but it was only a short set coz it was a in store gig and signing so i've got a signed copy of death by musick. I really like the song 'hello (one chord lovers)'. Which album have you heard?
I've seen 'em live and met the band. I have both of their earlier albums both of which are very good. They are a cool band and the music is really full of attitude and feeling when you see them live. Plus Casey Chaos is a brilliant front-man, it's a real shame they've had so much shit from the big record labels.