The Dwarves


I wanna be your pimp
Oct 23, 2002
Denver, CO
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Any fans here? I personally think they are one of the best punk bands ever. Great live shows, that is if they don't do something to get themselves kicked off the stage. Their last two albums have been real disappointments but Blood, Guts and Pussy is easily my favorite punk album.

If you don't know The Dwarves, here's a good site to learn about them:
New Dwarves' material may be lacking in material but damn it all to hell, the album covers are classic!

Thanks for pointing me in that Dwarvish direction, Scabbie.
Sure thing, 'digmer. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Yeah, they're still together, although their last two albums haven't been anything to write home about. Their live act is still an experience, I'd wager, although I haven't seen them in a few years now. I'd suggest picking up Blood, guts and pussy if you like Sugarfix and Thank Heaven. Free cocaine rules too.