America it wont work! :p

I live in the US and I have one wish for tomorrow: That Bush gets run over by a car, that stupid bastard. I'm going to a protest rally in San Francisco, and any American who has half a brain should be there as well. I know its hard to believe, but but there are some of us who think the US shouldn't go to war at all, and I praise France, Germany, and Belgium for making a stand and doing what's right.
Hehehe, it is funny, really funny. Because all that the US would have to do is drop an atomic bomb on Russia, Germany, Belgium, and France. Bye fuckin' bye. Don't talk trash,because you know that the US is the most powerful country in the world. HEll, I do not like the decision we make,but face it.........
Also. For the person who said for Bush to be run over by a car. Are you a democrat? Because your type are the ones who made our defenses weak to attacks like that of 9/11 with your little Clinton in there. If Gore was in, this country would be fucked right now. Bush is/was/will be the only one who could have helped through 9/11......
Originally posted by Death Opeth
Also. For the person who said for Bush to be run over by a car. Are you a democrat? Because your type are the ones who made our defenses weak to attacks like that of 9/11 with your little Clinton in there. If Gore was in, this country would be fucked right now. Bush is/was/will be the only one who could have helped through 9/11......

I don't know if you noticed, but Bush was president when 9/11 happened. Bush fell ass-backwards into 9/11, and what has he done? Osama bin Laden is still alive, al Qaeda still exists, this 'War on Terror' is a joke. Now Bush wants to go into Iraq to 'disarm' Iraq of its wmd which none have been found, while North Korea has two nuclear weapons, has missles that can reach the US, and has publicly stated that it plans on building more, and will use them. Now you tell me which is a bigger threat?

I wouldn't be knocking Clinton all that much. The guy kept us in a good economy and out of major conflicts. So what if he had a sexual encounter in the oval office. At least the guy can get some. Now look at Bush. the recession may have started at the END of Clinton's presidency, but Bush hasn't done a damn thing to get us out of it. The $1.35trillion tax cut of his fell flat on its face, and his newest proposals aren't any good either. Look at his proposal of cutting dividend taxation. Most people who have stocks have them in their 401k retirement plans, which are tax free anyway, so they won't do any good. I bet Bill Gates will enjoy a check for $100million on his dividend.

Now, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican or a Green or anything, I can think for myself without other people's political ideologies. You must be a Republican. It's thinking like yours and all your cronies that are gonna get us killed. No wonder the rest of the worl doesn't like us.
ok. we got 50000 peeps marching in Brussels. Fair amount.
BUT DO YOU GUYS NOTICED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE IN LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 000 000!!!!!!! Thats 3% of the Brits that went to London! A big fuck you to Blair. :) :mad: (seems so unbelievable, but true :o )
Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
let me take this moment to recite a lyric from S.O.D.


i saw this lyric before and it makes me puke. If they really need to put a bomb, on the heads of SOD or on Bush would be a good choice.
Joking!?? :eek::eek:
I was dead serious, I'm all doom and that :cool: Doomsters don't joke, they weep.

Anyway, I hope Bush his stupid game's gonna be stopped very very soon :mad:
OR someone'll have to invent a "remove-ignorance-and-blindness" product to give to the majority of the Americans
Originally posted by Death Opeth
Because your type are the ones who made our defenses weak to attacks like that of 9/11 with your little Clinton in there. If Gore was in, this country would be fucked right now. Bush is/was/will be the only one who could have helped through 9/11......

hahahahaha TALK TALK TALK

death opeth, you made my day. especially, your last sentence just blew me away! lololol