American Gladiators

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
NBC pumps up for 'Gladiators' redo
Competition show revived for midseason

NBC is getting into the ring with "American Gladiators," which has been revived by the Peacock for midseason.

The competition skein -- which featured players with names like Nitro, Turbo and Laser in its campy, early '90s syndie incarnation -- will be updated for the 21st century with new technology and twists. MGM TV, which was behind the original hit, is producing along with Reveille.

Peacock's interest in the revival actually predates the arrival of NBC Entertainment/Universal Media Studios co-chairman Ben Silverman, who began developing the project while still in charge of Reveille. Net confirmed last month that "Gladiator" was a priority at the net (Daily Variety, July 16).

"We've been circling around this property for a long time now," said Craig Plestis, exec VP of alternative programming, development and specials at NBC Entertainment. "It's truly what's not in the TV landscape right now. While everyone's zigging, I'm attracted to doing a zag."

Net wouldn't confirm the episodic order, but at least six segs are believed to be in the works. NBC could opt to launch the show as a one-week strip -- similar to how it bowed "Deal or No Deal" -- or as a weekly skein.

Airing in syndication from 1989-96, "American Gladiators" focused on physically fit amateur athletes who competed against the show's regulars (action stars, stunt professionals and pro athletes) in various physical strength and endurance competitions.

The show hit it big by showcasing David vs. Goliath-style battles in events such as the Joust, the Wall, the Eliminator and Hang Tough. Coincidentally, the original "Gladiators" shot its first several seasons at Universal Studios.

Plestis said he was particularly interested in the original U.K. version of "Gladiators," which focused even more on the characters and the behind-the-scenes stories of common folk going up against the show's powerful stars. The new "Gladiators," he said, "will have the scale, scope, different characters and family drama that the U.K. version had."

"We're not going to completely reinvent the wheel here," he said. "But we're making it better, faster and stronger."

Show will follow eight gladiators -- four men and four women -- as they take on contestants both male and female. This time, in a new wrinkle, the players will be given the opportunity to train for their match -- and viewers will be given a glimpse of their personalities prior to the actual competish.

MGM Worldwide TV co-prexy Jim Packer said reviving "Gladiators" was part of a strategy to mine the company's library and revive franchises for a new generation of TV viewers. Repeats of the original show are currently posting decent ratings on ESPN Classic, he noted.

"The timing to bring the franchise back is perfect, and NBC is the ideal home," Packer said. "It's a very big, grandiose type of show."

In the 10 years after "Gladiators" went off the air, Reveille managing director Mark Koops said, shows like "Fear Factor" raised the bar for stunt-driven shows, and thus it's more important than ever to find contestants with compelling backstories. Producers are currently scouting for new gladiators and hosts in addition to contestants. Koops will serve as an exec producer.

"Gladiators" marks the first co-production between MGM TV and Reveille. Under their arrangement, MGM Worldwide will handle international sales of the show, while Reveille will be in charge (with MGM's assistance) of selling new locally produced editions around the world.

Koops said Reveille is close to making several international deals, including co-productions in Australia and the U.K.

Besides Koops, exec producers include Reveille's Howard Owens, as well as "Fear Factor" alum David Hurwitz and original series creator Johnny Ferraro.

I'm currently scouring the internetz in search of episodes from HBO's Hard Knocks. How can I have a never ending supply of hdporn, but be at a dead end for a tv show!!?

I want all available forum users on this assignment. Go go go!!! Code 3
These are the events that made it to the 2008 resurrection.

* Assault: The contender has 60 seconds to make it through a course that spanned the entire arena floor, firing off weapons to hit a target located near the Gladiator, while avoiding high-speed tennis balls fired at them from a cannon.
* Earthquake: The contender and Gladiator wrestle in a battle in a 12' diameter platform that is moving above the floor of the arena. Whoever throws their opponent off is the winner.
* Gauntlet: The contenders have to run through a half-pipe chute while avoiding five Gladiators, all holding blocking pads to impede the contender's progress.
* Hang Tough: The contender has 60 seconds to negotiate a grid of gymnastics rings to get to a platform on the other side of the course, while trying to avoid a Gladiator who is swinging against the contender.
* Hit & Run: The contenders simultaneously traverse a 50 foot suspension bridge hanging above the water tank. Four Gladiators, two on each side of the bridge, attempt to knock the contender off using four 100-pound demolition balls.
* Powerball: The contenders have 45 seconds to place balls into one of five containers in the field, which are protected by three Gladiators.
* Pyramid: The contenders have 45 seconds to scale a pyramid and press a scoring button while three Gladiators work to throw the contenders off of the pyramid.
* Joust: The contender and Gladiator hit each other with pugil sticks until time expires or one of them falls from their platform.
* The Wall: The contenders scale a 40 foot tall wall while two Gladiators pursue them. The first contender to reach the top wins.
* The Eliminator: The Eliminator, the final event, is an obstacle course. The first contender to finish the Eliminator wins the competition.
Jesus fuck, they completely ruined it. :erk:

#1. "thus it's more important than ever to find contestants with compelling backstories." God dammit! I don't want to listen to how all these bitches are "doing for their kids" or whatever shit the producers tell them to say. You're there to win some free money, that's all I need to know! Now shut up and go have some simulated sex while rolling around on a mat!

#2. Even if I mute the sound, they don't even let me SEE the Gladiating for the few seconds that it happens! The coked-up editors switch to a new camera every half-second, and most of the time it's a super-close-up camera where you get absolutely no feel for what's going on. It would be like watching an NFL game where they show the face of the quarterback, then switch to a couple of linemen bashing off each other, and then show a football dropping into a receiver's hands. Great, but what the hell just happened?

Assholes. :mad:

At least they know that once their show is canceled they'll have a job in WWE or TNA.