American Heavy Metal Tradition: ProgPower USA, and its Uncertain Future

Nice article! I posted it a few places :) It's nice to see so many people praising the fest, especially to "outside" sources (new eyes/ears). Here's hoping those 300 tickets vanish!
I agree (interesting article, thanks for the post) and I did my part - by getting my ticket. After months of procrastination (hey the last PP I attended was X in 2009) I knew this *was* the year I'd be going back. Why it took me so long to connect the dots, 'specially with Redemption, Symphony X and a few other "must see" bands playing, is beyond my own comprehension of myself. :)
Does it go longer? I felt that it cutoff? Good non the less, gets to the point!


Well it pretty much said "Get your tickets to an amazing Metal fest in the US!"
Did you get yours? Cause I got mine yeah!! Come hell or high water I will be matter what! No excuses! I have always made there no matter what by a hair. Even though I did not have anything to spare in the venders room, or at the meets, etc...I always had a great time and if it ends........I/we will really have nothing to look forward to for a prog/power metal fest......unless you can afford to go to Europe doh!
Great article. If you think it ended right where the video is inserted, it might seem a bit abrupt, but if you read the final paragraph, I think it was summed up nicely. This is a premier metal festival with some of the best music, bands and people you will ever be able to experience, so get your ticket now dammit, or we may lose this gem entirely.