ProgPower USA 2013: The Final Word

The more years PPUSA goes, the later my football games are Saturday -> the later I can sleep in after watching the Friday Reveal.

This is such good news.
Such awesome news! I'm glad to know that the first ProgPower that I go to won't be my last! I can't wait to find out who's playing next year!
I still plan on handing out more business cards to help make this a sell out like it deserves to be!
Sorry, I had to :heh:

So, SO happy to hear this news! I would have shed some serious "Metal Tears" on Saturday if this had been the final installment of PP! :waah:
I'm officially coming in 2013, unless the lineup is totally out of whack for my tastes, and I don't foresee that happening. I just wish I could have made this year happen, but I ran out of vacation days.
I couldn't ask for more. Thank you so much Glenn, Jen, and everyone else who has continued to contribute!

One year at a time, guys. Let's focus every year on promoting this festival to those who don't know about it, and make every year a positive, metalhead-packed experience as possible so people keep returning and returning.