American Idol Meets Prog-Metal (and Gamma Ray)


Oct 10, 2010
Hi everyone,

My name is Jonathan, and I'm a drummer/composer from Chicago. I'm new here, and first I want to say that a lot of band discussed here (Dream Theater, Meshuggah, Planet X etc.) have been an incredible inspiration to me, and I probably wouldn't be having the minor success I'm having now if not for their music. I thought you guys might like to check out some new music that draws a bit from that tradition. Yep, I've got a Prog Metal band called District 97, and our debut album "Hybrid Child" was released to worldwide acclaim in September 2010 by Laser's Edge. The kicker that seperates us from any other prog band is that we feature 2007 American Idol Finalist Leslie Hunt and Chicago Symphony Orchestra virtuoso cellist Katinka Kleijn. Here are some links you guys can check out:

(Live @ CalProg)
(Music Video)
(Cover of Tom Sawyer) (website) (Review of "Hybrid Child")

We're also super pumped to be opening for Gamma Ray in Chicago:

Early, All Ages Show!
Thursday, February 3rd @ Reggie's Rock Club
2109 S. State, Chicago, IL 60605, 6:00 PM, $25
Advance tickets at
w/Gamma Ray, Mindwarp Chamber, Atomize, Act of Destruction

If you guys like what you hear, you can pick up our CD everywhere online for sale or download. Also, you can download a full show (and get some goodies for doing so) at In any case, I'd be curious to hear the thoughts of some like-minded music fans!


[ame][/ame] (Amazon Page) (iTunes page) (Laser's Edge page)
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