Amon Amarth DVD From 2002

P.S. Learn to spell inauguration correctly.

that was a typo, as you can see in post 16 i clearly know how to spell it.

Why have avatars and sigs in the first place?
shouldnt be used to promote childish gatherings of cry baby losers because you didnt win a simple election. i love how democrats can never accept defeat, two elections in a row with constant babbling of what immature faggots they are. but i couldnt give a shit keep your stupid avatar and sig. the longer you keep it the stupider and more childish you appear.
shouldnt be used to promote childish gatherings of cry baby losers because you didnt win a simple election.
It shouldn't? Says who? Are you the owner of Ultimate Metal? I didn't win a simple election? Was I running?
but i couldnt give a shit keep your stupid avatar and sig. the longer you keep it the stupider and more childish you appear.
I'm surprised my avatar and sig has touched someone, namely you. And you couldn't give a shit? Hah! Then why in the world is this an issue on this thread about Amon Amarth's 2002 DVD? Please, you're the one who's childish AND a hypocrite... couldn't give a shit. Pffft.
It shouldn't? Says who? Are you the owner of Ultimate Metal? I didn't win a simple election? Was I running? [/queer]

by the word "should'nt" I mean "it should, but doesnt". it should be used to post something realted to metal or amon amarth w/e forum you post on.

and by "You" im talking in general but, you can also look at it as "you voted for a person who you wanted to win but, they didnt win. so you actualy in fact lost."

And you couldn't give a shit? Hah! Then why in the world is this an issue on this thread about Amon Amarth's 2002 DVD? Please, you're the one who's childish AND a hypocrite... couldn't give a shit. Pffft.

it is on here because i decided not to help you out and let you know whats on the dvd because of the gestures in your avatar and signature. for instance if i were to have in my signature a big message that says for example: "Fuck Sebastian" and in my avatar i have a picture of Belgar eating a lobster i kind of doubt he would like me very much.
then the people, namely aj and archie, started with the childish name calling. people your age shouldnt be using name calling as a sensable approach to insult people or get a point across. you can call me a dolt, fag, booger eater, poopie head all day long and all that does is make you look like you are two.... which wouldnt realy suprise me.
what would realy be great though is if aj could have used the word Fag as a term that is somehow related to something i did/said. realy... how does my original message show that i am engaging in sexual acts with another man? in no way shape or form does his accusations(guess on spelling) make sense. also, how am i trying to fag people? am i just walking up to people and attempting to penetrate them with my dick?
I also see no signs of childish acting upon my part still. the only somewhat childish thing i can see is the fact that im fighting with this 35yr old dude on the internet.
hypocrite..... only sign of that i see would be the fact that i said "ill just leave it at that" but continued posting on the subject anyways as a matter of defense on my part.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
what would realy be great though is if aj could have used the word Fag as a term that is somehow related to something i did/said. realy... how does my original message show that i am engaging in sexual acts with another man? in no way shape or form does his accusations(guess on spelling) make sense. also, how am i trying to fag people? am i just walking up to people and attempting to penetrate them with my dick?
Haha Intarweb FIGHT!

Allright, where I live, New England, and I am sure a lot of other places may use the term "fag" this way, we use it to mean dumb or stupid, just like a lot of people say something is "retarded." Same difference. That doesn't mean it's right, but I could hardly give a shit. I get shit for having long hair from a lot of people, including a gay friend. I call her fag, even trade off. Also, I refuse to be PC.

About the avatars and signatures. For sigs, if you don't like it, block it, don't look at it or turn them off. For avatars, well, that is his choice and something that has nothing to do with you. Obviously you are taking it as a direct insult. And the last I heard, dissent was still legal in this country, maybe not for long though. If someone wants to turn their back on Bush, that is their right. And just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is wrong or that it demeans this country. I think it is just the opposite. It means that there is still hope for freedom in this country.
Are you that stupid to clearly see that you're a hypocrite? You stated in post #21 that you didn't give a shit, then why in the world would my avatar and sig ruffle your feathers? If you truly didn't give a shit, you would simply ignore my avatar and sig and not mention ANYTHING about it.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
i could reply but its just gonna amount into a big politcal debate that always ends the same way...
How in the world would answering my question about AA's DVD would end up being a big political debate? Are you a psychic?

DemonsAndLies666 said:
then why have politics in your avatar and sig? this forum is about amon amarth and not about bush.
What logic is that? Am I suppose to have an Amon Amarth avatar and sig for the forum? :Smug:
Are you that stupid to clearly see that you're a hypocrite? You stated in post #21 that you didn't give a shit, then why in the world would my avatar and sig ruffle your feathers? If you truly didn't give a shit, you would simply ignore my avatar and sig and not mention ANYTHING about it.
well it was more of a slight change in opinion. at first it got me po'ed. now after argueing the same point over and over it has come to bore me because you dont realy seem to understand the matter. i could argue with a shampoo bottle and get further than this.

How in the world would answering my question about AA's DVD would end up being a big political debate? Are you a psychic?

it ended up this way because you have have political opinion in your avatar and sig. i happen to disagree with it so i mention something about it. any further questions on the matter? or are you still in confusion about the simplicity of how it turned into this?

What logic is that? Am I suppose to have an Amon Amarth avatar and sig for the forum?
you seem to have took this the wrong way. you made a statement about how this is the amon amarth dvd thread. ok with me know why? because it IS the amon amarth dvd thread. but the thing is though. you use that as your argument. you say this should stick to a thread about the amon amarth dvd because that is the ON-TOPIC discusion. however... you have anti-bush avatar and sig in a METAL forum. if you wish for everything to remain on-topic you should have something in your avatar and sig that relates to metal or UM.
whos the hypocrite now eh?
Haha Intarweb FIGHT!

arent they fun? =]

Allright, where I live, New England, and I am sure a lot of other places may use the term "fag" this way, we use it to mean dumb or stupid, just like a lot of people say something is "retarded." Same difference. That doesn't mean it's right, but I could hardly give a shit. I get shit for having long hair from a lot of people, including a gay friend. I call her fag, even trade off. Also, I refuse to be PC.
cut your hair you hippie!!! =]
haha gay friends lol. i had a friend i called her a fag too. but she was "Bi". then we fought... then she suck me off... then im like "okay... your not a fag. you're a slut." super funny =]

About the avatars and signatures. For sigs, if you don't like it, block it, don't look at it or turn them off. For avatars, well, that is his choice and something that has nothing to do with you. Obviously you are taking it as a direct insult. And the last I heard, dissent was still legal in this country, maybe not for long though. If someone wants to turn their back on Bush, that is their right. And just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is wrong or that it demeans this country. I think it is just the opposite. It means that there is still hope for freedom in this country.
well freedom wont happen til we get rid of all these damn terrorists. which is probably impossible no matter whos in command because theres always gonna be someone new who wants to rise up and overcome. but i am all for delaying it and stopping a good chunk of it.
i honestly believe though that if this whole turn your back thing actualy goes down... its only gonna be one outcome........

ROYAL RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =]

know how many people will be there who get pissed off? know how many of them are rednecks? they arent gonna take that kind of shit.
realy its not a very well thought out plan.
Buddy, you're an idiot if you let someones political views cause you to be unfriendly towards them. And you cannot say that that is not true.

theres a difference between political views and just insulting someone with political views. turning your back on someone and helping to arrange a mass gathering of back turning is insulting. that is in almost no way a political view. look at it this way... if you go to a concert... lets say theres a band you dont like... would you have everyone there just turn there back? how could that possibly be ignored if your a supporter of the band or a member of it yourself?
DemonsAndLies666 said:
well it was more of a slight change in opinion. at first it got me po'ed.
What's a little harmless cutesy avatar and sig to be po'ed about?
now after argueing the same point over and over it has come to bore me because you dont realy seem to understand the matter. i could argue with a shampoo bottle and get further than this.
Oh... tell me, what matter don't I understand? Please explain. With a cherry on top. By the way, it is spelled arguing.
it ended up this way because you have have political opinion in your avatar and sig. i happen to disagree with it so i mention something about it. any further questions on the matter? or are you still in confusion about the simplicity of how it turned into this?
There are Bush supporters on Ultimate Metal forums who could care less with my avatars and sig. I have NEVER encounter a whiney Bush supporter about my avatar and sig except you. Once again, the simplicity is me asking about the DVD. Nothing to do with my avatar nor has it got to do with my sig. The issue isn't about my avatar, it is about the DVD. Got it??? Are you too stupid to understand that???

you seem to have took this the wrong way. you made a statement about how this is the amon amarth dvd thread. ok with me know why? because it IS the amon amarth dvd thread. but the thing is though. you use that as your argument. you say this should stick to a thread about the amon amarth dvd because that is the ON-TOPIC discusion. however... you have anti-bush avatar and sig in a METAL forum. if you wish for everything to remain on-topic you should have something in your avatar and sig that relates to metal or UM.
whos the hypocrite now eh?
You are still the hypocrite. Being against Bush is what I believe in. I didn't come in here to write about Bush. I wrote about the DVD, so get it through that thick head of yours. Shall I repeat that? I wrote about the DVD. I DID NOT post any issue of politics on this thread. YOU DID! I didn't come here to talk about my avatar or sig. YOU DID. Once again, I am talking about the AA DVD. And once again, my avatar and sig had pissed you off and I am very proud of it. I am more than happy to change my avatar to cause you more heartaches. Lastly, very many metal bands have been anti-Bush and they have been very vocal about it.
Brainkisser said:
We should edit a pic of you into the Lobster Magnet vid.
I noticed the advertisements pertaining to Lobsters on that Flash. :)
Bush beer is ok, gives me a headache but .... yeah lobster magnet clip was nice, fits me well. Btw we all know that Demon's voted for Nader and as a metter of fact he is the only one in Mickey land who did so ... so blah. Don't ruffle my lobster tail with your antique rhetorics.
You are still the hypocrite. Being against Bush is what I believe in. I didn't come in here to write about Bush. I wrote about the DVD, so get it through that thick head of yours. Shall I repeat that? I wrote about the DVD. I DID NOT post any issue of politics on this thread. YOU DID! I didn't come here to talk about my avatar or sig. YOU DID. Once again, I am talking about the AA DVD. And once again, my avatar and sig had pissed you off and I am very proud of it. I am more than happy to change my avatar to cause you more heartaches. Lastly, very many metal bands have been anti-Bush and they have been very vocal about it.

well actualy... the political debate truely started when aj called me a fag. name calling always gets me started because it gives me a chance to show everyone what a childish nincompoop they are. i realy just didnt want to get into the arguement but i was drawn into it somehow... but anyway....

There are Bush supporters on Ultimate Metal forums who could care less with my avatars and sig. I have NEVER encounter a whiney Bush supporter about my avatar and sig except you. Once again, the simplicity is me asking about the DVD. Nothing to do with my avatar nor has it got to do with my sig. The issue isn't about my avatar, it is about the DVD. Got it??? Are you too stupid to understand that???

whiney? pffft yeah right. try using the word "defensive" or maybe im also just being an "asshole"... well my original post was me being an asshole. rest switch it up between defensive and counter statement.

Oh... tell me, what matter don't I understand? Please explain. With a cherry on top. By the way, it is spelled arguing.
the matter is.... i decided to be an asshole for a post. wanted to leave it at that. everyone else wanted to fight about it.
you stress the point that you want this thread to answer your question about the dvd and how it should stay on topic. you also ask how it turned into this political fight thread.
Then i reply. if you want everything to remain on topic dont have insulting messages in your avatar and sig. you have those particular avatars and sigs because
A) you are trying to be funny to the rest of the anti-bush crowd and..
B) you want to be insulting to the bush crowd.
of corse eventualy your gonna end up getting into a fight with someone about it. and who better to pick a fight then me? im always picking fights on here for the hell of it... know why? ya i dont know why either. but i know i do it! and i do it constantly!
so i believe if you TRUELY want everything to remain on topic you would not have that particular avatar/sig.

What's a little harmless cutesy avatar and sig to be po'ed about?

cutesy? its offensive. what if i had a pic in my avatar of you with 4 cocks in your mouth? and a sig that links to how everyone should get together and humiliate you in front of a massive audience that everyone in the WORLD will see? i think that would be cutesy. awww how cute....
DemonsAndLies666 said:
Then have you admit to being a hypocrite?
well actualy... the political debate truely started when aj called me a fag. name calling always gets me started because it gives me a chance to show everyone what a childish nincompoop they are. i realy just didnt want to get into the arguement but i was drawn into it somehow... but anyway....
I have nothing to do with AJ. So AJ calling you a fag justified calling me a fag or faggot?

whiney? pffft yeah right. try using the word "defensive" or maybe im also just being an "asshole"... well my original post was me being an asshole. rest switch it up between defensive and counter statement.
You could always bring politics into another forum for discussion, you know?

the matter is.... i decided to be an asshole for a post. wanted to leave it at that. everyone else wanted to fight about it.
you stress the point that you want this thread to answer your question about the dvd and how it should stay on topic. you also ask how it turned into this political fight thread.
Then i reply. if you want everything to remain on topic dont have insulting messages in your avatar and sig.
My avatar and sig isn't meant to have this thread or any other thread into a complete off-topic discussion. If you enjoy talking about politics to me, feel free to bring it up on another thread on another forum, here on UM if you like, or PM, or e-mail me. You obviously interpret my usage of my avatar and sig the wrong way.
you have those particular avatars and sigs because
A) you are trying to be funny to the rest of the anti-bush crowd and..
B) you want to be insulting to the bush crowd.
of corse eventualy your gonna end up getting into a fight with someone about it. and who better to pick a fight then me? im always picking fights on here for the hell of it... know why? ya i dont know why either. but i know i do it! and i do it constantly!
so i believe if you TRUELY want everything to remain on topic you would not have that particular avatar/sig.
The intent of my avatar and sig isn't to pick a fight with anyone. The notion of seeing a person's avatar, signature, or even their username and going crazy like you are doing is extremely amusing. Because:
A) You are childish.
B) You get provoked too easily.
C) You're sensitive. Are you a woman?
Also, it is spelled truly, course, eventually, and you're. I'm curious how you manage to pass your English classes.

cutesy? its offensive. what if i had a pic in my avatar of you with 4 cocks in your mouth? and a sig that links to how everyone should get together and humiliate you in front of a massive audience that everyone in the WORLD will see? i think that would be cutesy. awww how cute....
Sure, that'd be cutesy, although the owner of UM may find it questionable.