Amon Amarth Tour.... What about Spain?

Belgar said:
It is a known fact that the vikings never went pass the Pyrennees. I don't see why it should change.

Spanish culture was really influenced by goths (descendents of vikings after the fall of rome) and spain was longly reigned by bisgoths (or something seemed), so I discard any ideological reason...

i know its so far but we have a nice beach and good food.

I know that mephisto club have a terrible sound, but razzmatazz is so pretty... come barcelona plz, plz, plz
no0mad said:
Spanish culture was really influenced by goths (descendents of vikings after the fall of rome) and spain was longly reigned by bisgoths (or something seemed), so I discard any ideological reason...

You also forget centuries of muslim conquests and presence which have left Spain with many traces of the invasions still present in today's spanish culture.
Belgar said:
You also forget centuries of muslim conquests and presence which have left Spain with many traces of the invasions still present in today's spanish culture.

and you forget that orginal iberian people, with bisgoths and descendents of celts (yes, in galicia we have celts) stayed resisting in the north and two or three centuries later we proceed to reconquest all hispano-muslim territory (and to rediscover america in the same year, 1492). Its a fact that south-spain has been totaly influenced by muslims, but i supouse you dont know what happen about north spain and their people, if you find any minimal muslim influence uppon "castilla or madrid" i will give you the reason.
Regarding the thread..hell, why?? i can´t believe any promoter has not invite them here,come on?then we are in a far worst terrible situation than i though...and my hopes of seeing then this year are fading slowly...there´s virtually any date left before going to USA and then Xmas...
Ok, maybe Vikings did not come here in the past but can think now about coming here in our nice and mid winterwheater ...
Pero que coño tiene que ver la cultura celta y la madre que los pario!! Eso no tiene nada que ver.Yo lo unico que quiero es que vengan por aqui de una vez!!!! :mad:
Death_In_Fire_86 said:
Pero que coño tiene que ver la cultura celta y la madre que los pario!! Eso no tiene nada que ver.Yo lo unico que quiero es que vengan por aqui de una vez!!!! :mad:

haha...calm the way...they say they never crossed..ummm i suggest a visit into southern coast and you will see where there are now...
Anyway, maybe they come for metalway or anything like that on summer,although I truly believe they will come before,like early 2007...
Belgar said:
Seguramente, no se vengan en Cataluna éste año .... tal vez por el proximo tour, probablemente un verano festival. Animate amigo :goggly:

El cabola ti du er tala buni ka alimentatietekort oli kadamana irilo té aremaniotè di gabonã a di leen bij frisia financieringen
Belgar said:
Seguramente, no se vengan en Cataluna éste año .... tal vez por el proximo tour, probablemente un verano festival. Animate amigo :goggly:

El cabola ti du er tala buni ka alimentatietekort oli kadamana irilo té aremaniotè di gabonã a di leen bij frisia financieringen

EDIT: shit double post
I know how you fill i am from greece and i also want them to come here. i wish they will make a bigger tour because most of the concerts are in germany and scandinabia