AMON AMARTH touring Canada in November?

Its children of bodom.....= not good....for me...trivium..I have no idea
Probably AA will play second and the prices will be something like 30$ so I dont even know if i'll go...I saw Children with Dimmu and I wasent impressed at all...but at the same time..were talking of AA here!!!! awwwww I dont know what to do!!!
Dark idea said:
Its children of bodom.....= not good....for me...trivium..I have no idea
Probably AA will play second and the prices will be something like 30$ so I dont even know if i'll go...I saw Children with Dimmu and I wasent impressed at all...but at the same time..were talking of AA here!!!! awwwww I dont know what to do!!!

what?, you got too good you picky focker
What have a problem with my opinion? If you do..well stick with it...and nop..i'm not a picky focker..maybe you are I dont know..cause I DONT KNOW YOU
get it? you dont know shut up about what you dont know ok?
So I've been told (by my mother, no less) that the bandmembers get paid a pittance for this tour. When I do the math, they'll be spending more just on food per day than they'll be bringing in. I think they pretty much must be doing this stuff for the fans, but then again, I'm not them, so what do I know? The only way they make any money doing this sort of thing is if they can sell shirts at the venue, so if you really want to give them an incentive to come back, pick up some goods. Please...I love my brother and I want to see him more often...;-)
Tyra said:
So I've been told (by my mother, no less) that the bandmembers get paid a pittance for this tour. When I do the math, they'll be spending more just on food per day than they'll be bringing in. I think they pretty much must be doing this stuff for the fans, but then again, I'm not them, so what do I know? The only way they make any money doing this sort of thing is if they can sell shirts at the venue, so if you really want to give them an incentive to come back, pick up some goods. Please...I love my brother and I want to see him more often...;-)

Can you accept pittance from 2 Florida rednecks to see AA in Canada who might need a room to stay? we can provide food and beverages and good company.
Belgar said:
Can you accept pittance from 2 Florida rednecks to see AA in Canada who might need a room to stay? we can provide food and beverages and good company.

and add some room for a french bastard too! i could come to sweden and take the ride with them to Quebec! cause i speak french i'll be like the interpreter.. and shit. for food i'll provide frog legs and snails.. (and champagne).

also talking about dimmu and CoB touring... i saw Dimmu at the fury fest and they really sucked ass! they so stuffed orchestra in their last album that on live its just totally impossible to understand without all that.
Hopefully they'll hit the U.S. east coast. I can't imagine they wouldn't, unless they have visa issues. If that's the case, I'll have to take a ride to Montreal.

I think this bill should draw pretty well in the more densely populated U.S. states.

CoB is pretty popular here in the states i guess on the Lamb of God tour they did and the Tour with Iced Earth hella ppl left after cob, fuck cand wait to see two badass bands tix will probably be like $20 in 2003 In Flames tix were like $17 for a tour simular to this
Belgar said:
Can you accept pittance from 2 Florida rednecks to see AA in Canada who might need a room to stay? we can provide food and beverages and good company.

I'm sure that can be arranged! We're in Vancouver, though, we don't have a confirmed date yet, but according to Johan, chances are they'll be either here or in Seattle. I am pretty sure I can arrange lodging for either of those venues. I am going, either way!:grin:
arch_enemy666 said:
CoB is pretty popular here in the states i guess on the Lamb of God tour they did and the Tour with Iced Earth hella ppl left after cob...
People are stupid like that. I saw Nevermore a few years ago, in support of "Dead Heart". Opeth opened up, and a lot of people left after Opeth. I was really surprised. I know that Opeth fans are loyal, but that's just silly.
