Amon Amarth wine

I'm still not sure, if the new drink really is awesome.:grin:
But yeah, I'm really curious about it.
Maybe its just me, but they always seemed like they would put out some mead that was strong as hell.
Only 12% !? This does not please Odinn! But I guess I can always drink 1 more to make up for the lack of alcohol :tickled:.

Other than their fierce loyalty, the most recognizable attributes of the Varangian guard during the 11th century were their large axes and their penchant for drinking. There are countless stories of the Varangian guard either drinking in excess or being drunk. In 1103 during a visit to Constantinople, King Eric the Good of Denmark "exhorted members of the guard to lead a more sober life and not give themselves up to drunkenness." It is not surprising, therefore, to find a 12th century description of them as "the Emperor's wine-bags."

Fuck you Eric the Good! :muahaha:
Actually that is an awesome idea!

HONEY! its made from HONEY!

Me personally did not watch it, just the beginning, I feel stressed out at the end of the week with all those vision/computer/film attacks.:( Would prefer to watch a honeycomb live actually right now, honestly spoken.
But yes, yummy yummy I've got honey in my tummy :lol: - honey is always great, honey is a WONDER! :) Red grapes also? Probably!
I'm sure somewhen there will be also distributed an AA Mead. :) The marketing crew is not stupid, I guess. Please! And probably that would fit even better of course in fact. But sure, there is nothing to say against a good Australian Shiraz also. And in my opinon 12% are enough! And I'm quite curious about my order. But you are right. Mead is..... :hotjump:
My order is on the way now @ haayema.:)
As an absolutely fan of the band, I definitely like, understand and respect that all. Though I'm also impressed on the self-machine of Agalloch for example also.
On Gotland they still make oldschool vikingbeer. They call it Gotlandsdricka (drink):

Gotlandsdrickan är en form av den äldre typ av öl som bryggdes i Norden under vikingatid och äldre medeltid. Eftersom humle under denna tid var okänt här uppe, användes istället enris eller pors för att krydda ölet.

my translation:

Gotlandsdrink is a form of the older type of beer that was brewed in Scandinavia during the viking age and the early middle ages. Since hop during this period was unknown up here (in the north), they used juniper or myrtle to flavor the beer.
On Gotland they still make oldschool vikingbeer. They call it Gotlandsdricka (drink):

my translation:

Gotlandsdrink is a form of the older type of beer that was brewed in Scandinavia during the viking age and the early middle ages. Since hop during this period was unknown up here (in the north), they used juniper or myrtle to flavor the beer.

Gotlandsdricka, more often called "Dricku" or "Dricke" is an old beer like drink from Gotland, the large island sort of on the southeast part of Sweden.
Usually they have smoked malt, juniper branches, low bitterness, if hops is used it is in small dosage.

I would not say that this is traditional for Scandinavia, or even Sweden, but for this actual island.
In Finland they have Sahti, in Russia they have Kvass, similarites exist, but they're worlds apart.

When it comes to what beer was flavored with before hops, there are many different things, rather usual was "pors" (Myrica gale), but also "skvattram" (Rhododendron tomentosum), "älggräs" or "mjödört" (Filipendula ulmaria L.), but also juniper, lingonberries etc.

I got this old book where they tried to chart all the things used in various parts of Sweden over the years, as far as they've found evidence for, but don't have it all in my head.
Was going to try and get a bottle for a friend, but seems they (EMP) don't ship to Sweden with the wine, boo!

Yes, it's pity. I wonder why they don't ship it there.
Sure, actually nobody needs an Amon Amarth wine, I mean, there is enough wine to drink.:D Well, it's a nice present nevertheless, makes glaring faces.:)