Amon Amarth Concerts.


New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2011
Can anyone inform me on what an Amon Amarth concert is like? I've neer been to one and am going tommorrow night.
The most recent concert i've been too was the Finnish Metal II.
I've heard the pits at Amon Amarth get really brutal, and I am a small person about 5'6 and weigh 130. So im a bit nervous about jumping into the pit. I've been in the pit before, but from what I heard, Amon Amarth is extremely brutal. And i'm not looking to lose any teeth lol.
I can inform you that an Amon Amarth concert is awesome :lol:

Pit shouldn't be more brutal than at any other Death Metal concert, so no bigger problems.

There are ways to keep out of the pit as well ;)
If you wanna be in the front but not in the pit just keep to the left or the right and you should be pretty safe. If not, change position until you are ^^

Last but not least, have fun :headbang:
In my experience, the people causing trouble and doing crowd surfing here in the UK are about... 17?

It became a bit of a joke in Glasgow as the gig progressed, by the time Children of Bodom hit the stage there would have probably been toddlers scorted out by security.

Most people that go to gigs in the are just there to have a good time- Just avoid the pit if unsure. I was on the left side of the stage, about two rows from the front, and had no trouble whatsoever.
You'd be surprised by how polite people can be in a pit. Mind you I'm sure they're nicer to the girls.
AA pits are usually a load of fun. Nothing like a Hatebreed pit. As long as you stay aware of your surroundings you'll be fine.