Amon Amon T-Shirts [need feedback]


New Metal Member
Oct 20, 2008
Can anyone tell me of these are real, how rare they are and from what album they come from.



Greetings \,,/
First one's real and quite recent (I have a zip hoodie with the same print, only darker red, and it's on Victorious Merch I believe)

Not sure if the second one's official but the image is the album cover for The Crusher.
First one's real and quite recent (I have a zip hoodie with the same print, only darker red, and it's on Victorious Merch I believe)

Not sure if the second one's official but the image is the album cover for The Crusher.

Oke thanks a lot for the info mate !

Take care and rock on \,,/
Oh and the second one, if it's official, it's probably pretty rare as I've never seen it before.

Could just as well be a bootleg shirt of course, but I don't know myself.