Amon For Mayhem Fest 4!

@edubz, sorry about the poor choice of words. @paganblood, its a concert series in america. @gnoff, good idea
The way I see it they're just about out of shitty American bands to play there, but I said the same thing last year... I didn't go the first year, but the only European band that I remember going to Mayhem ever was Behemoth. To be honest, I'd be a bit suprised, but it'd be a pleasant suprise!
NOT FIAR!! Don't give old people like me a heart attack like that!!:devil:

Mayhem Fest's last line up sucked so bad I didn't bother going. Amon Amarth is about the only thing that could get me to go again. There's something about being out in 100*F+ (38*C) weather in the humid as hell summer of Florida that is really unappealing for a concert.
Heat stroke, sunburn, dehydration (which many don't realize until they pass out)

I wish promoters would realize that and do more outdoor concerts here in December - March.