AMORAL- SHOW YOUR COLORS..Pleasant surprise!!!


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
WOW! Amoral's new cd "show your colors" truly shows new colors here! This band used to a tech/death band but now are a kick ass power metal band fronted by the talented vocals of Ari Koivunen!:headbang:
I remember laughing my ass off when I heard Ari joined Amoral. I was hoping they wouldn't change for him, but I'll give this a listen.
Huge Ari fan, and have been promoting this release on my show. Year of the sucker punch is one of my favorite songs of 2009.
I'll give it a shot, but I don't expect to like it. Ari sucks, as did the song Year of the Suckerpunch. It's a shame, because their other albums are so awesome.

UMMM... Ari kicks major ass as does his solo stuff and the new Amoral cd! BUT...I can see if you were a fan of their original sound then this won't be for you. Still pretty heavy actually but Ari's touch gives them the melodic power metal sound I totally dig!:headbang:
I have now listened to the new album and I stand behind my original statements. There is still some of the signature Amoral riffing that I freakin love because when they rock, they really rock. That said, those sections are unfortunately overpowered by the weak vocals and an obvious attempt to cater to his style. I would call it a let-down but I didn't expect anything good out of Ari anyway. I'm glad some of you like it, and wish the guys the best but this album gets a big thumbs down from me...the first Amoral album to even come close to that.
I don't know what vocalist you guys are listening to, but Ari Koivunen is an outstanding singer. Or at least he's consistent. I've been to enough metal shows to know that the performances those great metal singers give live wouldn't fly in an Idol competition. To win Idol, you've got to be perfect with no missed notes every night.
I don't know what vocalist you guys are listening to, but Ari Koivunen is an outstanding singer. Or at least he's consistent. I've been to enough metal shows to know that the performances those great metal singers give live wouldn't fly in an Idol competition. To win Idol, you've got to be perfect with no missed notes every night.

Though I agree with you that he's consistent live, you need to realize one thing...

To win Idol, you need to appeal to the crowd. You don't necessarily need to be the best vocalist ever, but as long as you have the charisma and the people (especially the young ones) like you, you're good to go. Remember that these shows, as good as they can be sometimes, are not about the actual talent. It's more of a popularity contest than anything.
Its easy to like Ari. A hard rock/metal singer winning a popular award. Its another thing to call him excellent within his chosen genre. Personally, I think he's a fine vocalist that hasn't had good material to sing on; his hit song(s) were generic. I'm kind of tired of generic within metal. I want personality and identity, and so many singers seem content with just sounding like their chosen heroes. Where are the new leaders? I know some of them, I just wish the metal crowd would latch onto the more original sounding bands/singers/artists out there, instead of the ones who merely are good at doing what other guys were doing 10-20 years ago.
I agree with you Cheiron. There are so many singers out there that sound like singers from the past and are just caught all up in with other singers where half the time you can't tell them all apart. That is why I like Akerfeldt from Opeth so much, because he is the best of both worlds for me, and then you have Warrel Dane who sounds like nobody else except Warrel. Jorn Lande, Russell Allen, and so forth are amazing singers, but they sound like your coverdales and dios, just better in my opinion. To me, Warrel and Mikael are the 2 best singers right now, just because of their originality and passion behind their vocals and nobody can do what they do better than they do it.
To win Idol, you need to appeal to the crowd. You don't necessarily need to be the best vocalist ever

You're right, but with the caveat that you must not miss notes during your performances. At metal shows, even the best vocalists are either half-assing it at some points during the set or missing notes. Simon would eat them alive for that.
WOW! Amoral's new cd "show your colors" truly shows new colors here! This band used to a tech/death band but now are a kick ass power metal band fronted by the talented vocals of Ari Koivunen!:headbang:

I just discovered this release, and I agree with [Wherewolf] on this one. To go from a death band with Cookie Monster as their vocalist to a seemingly polished Prog Metal/Traditional Metal sound is shocking. I mean this album is VERY GOOD. The new vocalist is GREAT. Outstanding!


You're right, but with the caveat that you must not miss notes during your performances. At metal shows, even the best vocalists are either half-assing it at some points during the set or missing notes. Simon would eat them alive for that.
Perhaps the comparison would be more fair if American Idol contestants were living out of a tour bus for a month, trying to avoid getting sick while being in a confined space with a dozen other people, rather than being prepped for a TV show. I'm not dismissing the Idol contestants, they obviously have at least a decent level of talent to make it that far and I respect that, but they're afforded a lot of comforts that a touring vocalist doesn't have.
The album previous to Show Your Colors, musically speaking, is PHENOMENAL. Reptile Ride is amazing, sure if you don't like the vocals i can see not being able to get past it. But if you can tolerate it for a listen you will hear the same band on SYC. I am actually not a fan of the new direction at all. They were really hitting their stride with RR, i miss them. :(
