Amp modeling plugs

I've messed around with a bunch & never liked any of them. They do get some use while tracking drums though... they're a great way to get rid of bleed for a jamming band. That's the one use where they're vastly superior to a full blown amp. But for tracking heavy guitars for real, I've yet to find a substitue. Perhaps the PODXT, some guys have got some really good sounds out of them, but then again, that's hardware.

Believe me, I really, really wish that someone would make a decent software amp sim. Even the Amplitube developers admitted to me that they're clueless when it comes to metal... I've worked with them a tiny bit, hopefully so they can develop something decent.

These are the answers that I was hoping not to hear. The sad thing is that these were the same answers three or four years ago. It seems as if there hasn't been much progress in the way of making a convincing metal amp model. Even though I need this just for initial tracking, it would be nice to have something that makes players feel like their using a real amp.

I'll look into GuitarSuite and Alien Connects. Thanks.
If you find the PODxt tones to be okay, they do make a VST plugin version, called Gearbox, which is actually alot cooler than the pod itself.

78 amps and 24 cabs for guitar, 28 amps and 22 cabs for bass. It also has some famous mic pres that are modeled. It also has over 80 stomps and rack gear effects.

Pretty neat, I'd buy it if I could find it somewhere without the stupid tone port interface
Yep revalver II is the shit, especially the fact that you can load your own impulses and changing a lot of stuff on the schematics of all the amps/effects really makes it a very great plugin.
It's really the only one that makes a decent rectifier tone.

I absolutely fucking love Revalver MKII's rectifier modeling, but with my comp (Duron 1,8GHz) I can barely run one instance of the plugin at a time. Don't know whether it's a bug or is the plugin just that heavy, but it makes it virtually useless to me. Sure I could export the guitar tracks, run them through Revalver one at a time and import them back, but that's not very handy since I like to fiddle with other plugins at the same time when turning the knobs of the sim. That's a shame, since MKII is easily the best hi-gain amp sim I have ever put my greasy fingers on :/
I was able to dial what I consider to be an okayish tone out of AT2 but you are the judge. I made this sample to give you a better idea. Don't pay attention to the annoying drums or the half assed playing (this was only double tracked because I can't manage and keep it tight If quad tracking)
Also keep in mind that I use passive pickups for better or worst.
I tried to do the same with RVMKII with no luck.
i use the cab section of waves gtr on every recording, even if its just a blend with a real amp

maybe the amp modeling section of it sucks (i wouldnt know, i dont use it), but the cab simulation on it is excellent