Finally i have some time to write my opinion on something that i´ve been trying to post a long time ago!
After trying several amps like- peaveys, engls,kranks,Marshalls and
Fenders, i´ve to a conclusion. I like them all, well, some more than others but i can see them all doing god job at recording, but for different purposes.
Well, until recently i was like many people, always unhappy with my recordings,and bought and trade many amplifiers losing so much money that i even don´t want to remeber
Why the f*** did my amps sounded good on stage but on my studio i always had a bad tone? So like many, i kept trading ,selling, and buying amps!
My studio was 2 living rooms on my old house, with some bass traps and that foam stuff. I thougt it was decent enough, but was i wrong!!! After a long period of reserching i did some acoustic treatment myself on my two living rooms.Started playing in there, wow!! it was so different!! Tried recording some stuff and instantly my guitar tone was better than it ever was! Nothing different, except the rooms!!!!
What i´m trying to say is that: don´t sell your amp just because you can´t get a good tone on recording, if it sounds good on stage it will probably do good enough for recording too. When it doesn´t sound good on your home studio, probably your room is the culprit.
Just look at Eddie´s studio building thred and see the problems that he is having with his monitor setup because of his room!!
I wish i had realised this a long time ago$$$$$$$$!!
After trying several amps like- peaveys, engls,kranks,Marshalls and
Fenders, i´ve to a conclusion. I like them all, well, some more than others but i can see them all doing god job at recording, but for different purposes.
Well, until recently i was like many people, always unhappy with my recordings,and bought and trade many amplifiers losing so much money that i even don´t want to remeber
Why the f*** did my amps sounded good on stage but on my studio i always had a bad tone? So like many, i kept trading ,selling, and buying amps!
My studio was 2 living rooms on my old house, with some bass traps and that foam stuff. I thougt it was decent enough, but was i wrong!!! After a long period of reserching i did some acoustic treatment myself on my two living rooms.Started playing in there, wow!! it was so different!! Tried recording some stuff and instantly my guitar tone was better than it ever was! Nothing different, except the rooms!!!!
What i´m trying to say is that: don´t sell your amp just because you can´t get a good tone on recording, if it sounds good on stage it will probably do good enough for recording too. When it doesn´t sound good on your home studio, probably your room is the culprit.
Just look at Eddie´s studio building thred and see the problems that he is having with his monitor setup because of his room!!
I wish i had realised this a long time ago$$$$$$$$!!