Amp Sim tone and chain suggestions


Mar 23, 2010
Just joined the forum...Been playing metal for over 10 years, and recently got back into the recording thing.

Little background on how I record guitars that might be helpful:

I mainly record guitar double tracked through a Digitech RP355 bypassed, this acts as a DI and I can get 2 tracks at once. I put Revalver on one, and waves doubler then revalver on the other....then pan hard L and R. This just gives me a better headphone sound while I track, and gives a dry recording to mess with later. I turn track layers on, loop a section to record....then play it over and over and over.

Once done, I turn off the doubler, and audition the layers recorded to find the tightest for the 2 tracks....then move on to the next song section.

Now to the topic.....

Revalver is a good plug....but it doesn't give me "that sound" i'm looking for. You know the thick chunky guitar sound without too much fizz...(Band Examples, Throwdown, Mnemic).

So in my search to get that sound, I've purchased many many amp well as downloaded many freebies....but I'm lost in tone land..

Now the problem is, there are so many options, so I tweak and tweak and eventually my ears get numbed to good sounds, so I have to refresh by listening to something else....or have a break....then back at it.

SO *********

This will be a thread for posting your suggestions for amp sim signal chains and examples. You don't have to give EQ or preamp settings....thats for me to come up with my own sound....

Just post like this (example):

This is, TSS>Amplitube with x pre and y cab>Comp...etc.
Then insert sample link

If this sort of thing already exists....please direct me there.

Thanks and Cheers
To get "that sound" you speak of... Try actually playing your parts separately. Double or quad tracked actually means the parts are played twice or 4 times.

Try this for double tracked...

Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned hard left
Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned hard right

Or quad...

Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned hard left
Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned hard right
Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned 80-70 left
Single track recorded in mono > TSS > ReValver > SIR2 panned 80-70 right
I do double track...I only use the doubler to get a better headphone sound while tracking.....then I bypass the doubler and audition different "layers" recorded during loop recording to find the tightest 2 together and use that as my double track.....I could also use this method to quad.

Thanks for the tip.....and thanks for the signal suggestion suggestion.....what impulse do you suggest for the SIR2.....I could also load an impulse into revalver, or is the SIR2 in addition to revalver?

Do you have an audio sample?
I suggest not using the convolution processor within ReValver. Altiverb or Sir2 sound much better to my, and many others ears. There's a huge difference even using the same impulse. Some of my favorite impulses are Guitar Hack's (free). I've tried just about every impulse out there and I can't find any that beat Redwirez.
thanks arv....but I'm just looking to experiment. I haven't played with impulses outside of revalver, amplitube 3 until now, and am just looking for suggestions. Once I dabble deeper, I'll start posting clips....but right now I'm in a sea of options and am looking for guidance to narrow it down
So I tried some impulses (guitar hackers) along with various heads....wagner, amplitubes (cab's bypassed), peaveys...etc. I can't get it to sound good. I was using with boogex, so maybe my setting were wrong...BUT

Since I 18 volt modded my EMG's (81,85) last night, I'm getting the sound I was looking for out of revalver and TSS in front.

Just bought Overloud TH1 and I'm digging it
This is, TH1> guitar bus (no effects) > Main (no effects)
Slate drums (Black kit)
Bass (Guitar Rig)

I have not processed in anyway so you can hear the guitars "out of the box" so to say.
Guitar patch > AMP Modern (US) > Cab 4x12 England > Mic American57(D)
Doubled tracked

As you can tell it aint a perfect performance but that wasnt my aim.
Hope this helps
Not too bad....but I hear some serious fizz in that tone....maybe try reducing the gain on the TH1 and putting TSS in front of it