Amp sims for gigs. patch switching!


Sep 11, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland
Hey all, sorry if this has been discussed before but I did a quick search with no results on the subject.

After messing around with amp sims for so long I find now I prefer them to the real thing and I'd like to take them to the live arena but I have some issues.

I have a Marshall 9100 Power amp which I have been feeding amp sims into as preamps and i have been getting great results with tones and so much variety thanks to the sea of amazing freeware sims out there, but how would I go about setting up some sort of psudo patches that I could switch between?

I use Cubase 5 to load the sims in and usually I have 3 audio tracks - one for heavy Rhythm, a clean track with some chorus, and a lead/solo track which is the rhythm track with some delay and reverb, and it works great for recording purposes but is there any way I could set up these tracks in a Cubase project and switch between them using some sort of midi controller?

I would like to stick to using Cubase as the loader simply because of the far greater control for EQ, compression and whatever other plugin I care to use on a track.

Thanks all.
First off, use reaper. We've played 60+ shows running multiple channels of backing tracks and MIDI controlled amps/lights/stuff no problems.

Do you play to a click track live? If so, program the MIDI changes/automate volumes of each 'channel' or whatever.
Drummer usually has to play to the click track and the project has to be playing to have patch changes occur with automation, but yes it's possible. Harder for the drummer than guitarist I'd bet. :lol:

Something like Guitar Rig, Revalver or PODFarm that can be used outside of a daw may have the possibility to be used in conjunction with a midi controller, but I'm not sure as I haven't used them.