Ampeg SVX


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Lately I've taken to processing my DI bass tracks using Ampeg SVX rather than Guitar Rig 2.

I've been running into an issue where I can't seem to add any drive, either via pedal or amp, without the bass tone turning into a complete muddy mess. Is there some secret option I'm not seeing? Overdriven bass tones with real pedals and amps sound much growlier and clearer than anything I seem to be able to achieve with this program.

Any help would be great.
I always went good with "Guitarsuite", a freeware guitar-modelling-software that can be used for bass either. Distorts quite well and comes with some stomp-box emulations (Boss DS + SD, Tubescreamer, and so on)
Not exactly sure what type of bass was used, but the overall quality of the DI sound is quite high. The player is also very tight. There's nothing lacking in regards to the source. The tone through SVX isn't half bad when processed with a low amount of drive. But as soon as I start cranking the knobs up to get some growl, all the clarity goes to hell, and the tone becomes muddy low-mid mania.
Try doubling the signal, one into ampeg svx and one either into a real guitar amp or something like revalver 2 with impulses. The first should handle the low end and for the second you should cut the lows before the amp. Don't know if it'll work for you, but it might.
One thing I like to do with guitar rig 2 is use the X-over to send the highs to the plexi and the lows to the ampeg.