Orpheus: Melodic Death
From what I've played, the mark iv and the cobra were both 100% comfortable for me without a boost. I use one with my mark iv anyway for the flavour it gives me, but that's just taste 

Marshall 2203KK
Yes, Axe-FX = rack, but I suggested it because it has everything you mentioned you might want built in (delay, tuner, and the full array of sounds). So the rack wouldn't be that big, and you could just plug in with a midiboard and cable and be set. In terms of space, is a tube head really so much better than a rack?
From my last amp trying spree two years ago I got the following experience:
VHT/Fryette: Tried a few (Pitbull Ultralead, Deliverance 60, the Sig:X was broken unfortunately), they were not my kind of sound, but they sure are hella tight (and dry) and cut through.
Definitely worth a try, maybe they are just what you want. The sound is more raw compared to the typical ENGL voicing.
Krank: Can't comment, because I just don't like them at all. Just not for me, for others they seem to work though.
I own a Fireball 60, it was my main amp for a few years. I agree with you on all counts, both on its advantages and downfalls. Also I'd add that leads sound quite thin and earpiercing with it.
That's why I ultimately went shopping again, and finally ended up with an ENGL Invader 100. Channel 3 is basically the Fireball sound with more balls, less fizz, more mids and some more dynamics. You also get very good cleans and many options for leads with channel 2 and 4 (they are very different in tone and response), as well as dual master volumes. I'm totally happy with mine, but I am someone who loves the ENGL voicing... the Invader just does the best rendition of it to me.
You can also try channel 2 for rhythm, it's a somewhat different sound but some people prefer it to channel 3... less scooped, plenty tight too.
Also, in the rehearsal room, I can clearly attest that the Invader dwarfs the Fireball 60 in the mix (in my old band I had my bandmate play my Fireball for a while).
Worth a try!
When the Fireball 100 came out I was curious how it would compare to the old version.
From trying it out in the shop, I think that ENGL has listened to their customers and basically fixed up everything the 60 lacked.
Separate gains for clean and lead channels solve the issue with the clean sound, mid boost helps to fatten up the leads, the 100w help with the bottom end and balls. The mid voicing seems to be slightly changed for better cut too, but that's minor... it still sounds like a Fireball. Which includes the highend fizz, and is the reason I still like the Invader better.
So, if you're interested in the Fireball, don't even look at the old version. They should just discontinue that one.
Also the new guy who replaced me when I quit my old band plays the Fireball 100, but he has some very odd settings (including the gain almost maxed, ugh!), so his tone was far from the best at the gigs and rehearsals I have attended. But I didn't want to be a smart ass to him, so I refrained from commenting.
EDIT: And where's Lasse anyways!?