Amptweaker Tight Metal With Sims?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
Have heard this pedal demo'd through real amps and it sounds great. Was wondering though if anyone here has any clips and or experience using this pedal with sims.
Well, what's your definition of wide variety of tones? you can get a good amount of metal / hard rock tones, but it won't do low gain too great until you roll back the guitar volume and turn off the built in gate. But for metal and the right amp / IR, these things are pretty beastly. I would say I prefer to use amp sims most of the time rather than this pedal and an IR, probably because it's more convenient to plug straight to my interface, and I am always constantly tweaking the tone. With the pedal once it's recorded that's it, though I guess there aren't many knobs to mess with and most of the EQ'ing for it is post imuplse/cabinet sim :lol:

one thing that sounds great on this pedal, is the damn pinch harmonics are so clear haha! Love the tones even more so into an amp's FX return though :)

I heard by some that the new AMT legend II series pedals "blow the tight metal out of the water" so I am really itching to try the Vt2 or D2 or something.