AMT P2 test! (parkway Drive - Carrion)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! Here's a quick test I did with my AMT P2 in the mix!
It's Parkway Drive - Carrion intro.
The clean is the P2 in CAB SIM OUT mode and obviously some EQ/ Verb/ Delay etc.
The distorted tone is MAXON OD808 -> AMT P2 the Preamp OUT section into LeCab and then a single instance of HeQ. hi/lo pass at 90hz/ 12khz and cuts at 200hz, 1600hz and 3500khz. - Carrion P2.mp3

Sounds awesome! I'm digging this more than the actual version since the vocals sound better.

So your just going guitar > AMT P2 > Interface > LeCab? If so that sounds like an awesome setup for quick demoing. Can you upload more hi-gain clips?
i was like yeaah :headbang: this is awesome.. and it ended:lol:. That sample is way too short :mad:
A 6505 pedal :cool: i want :loco:. How good (or bad) is the cab sim?
SO SORRY GUYS! I just checked and I forgot I had my MaxonOD808 in front!!! reason being, I wanted to see how much it reacts like a real 6505! And it's damn close. The settings on both pedals are almost my EXACT live setting!
Bass 6.5-7, Mids 2, Treble 7, Gain 4. The Maxon is just Drive 0, Tone 5, Level 5!


@Eric: The p1 has only 1 channel and 2 outputs. The P2 has a clean channel, is modelled a bit better and has a separate DRIVE OUT option too!
@Drawnacrol: Haha, cheers man! I Actually love Winston's vocals, but I'll happily take the compliment as I laid the vocals down whilst sick and in 1 practice take haha.
I'll post more stuff soon when I can :)
@soul: Cheers dude
Cheers dude. It's a mix of some random Mesa impulse I have and blended with the default Catharsis Spres High in LeCab. Mixed a lot closer to the Mesa cab. like 90%.
Sounds so good.

I've never considered buying a "distortion" pedal before... but I might just have to try some of these out. Curious how well the R2 models a Recto, cause capturing the sag in a pedal doesn't seem likely to me.
Matrix! I should word things better! It's actually a PREAMP pedal. It's MEANT to go straight to a power amp, not in front like a distortion pedal :)
its unreal what these things can do stuck in the fx loop of a combo!!! the best feature (for me) is the fact that you can use all 3 outputs simultaneously..
sounds ace btw Melb_shredder!!!!!

who`s gonna be the first to do a shootout P2 vs X50 v1.0.1 vs real deal??? lol
Matrix! I should word things better! It's actually a PREAMP pedal. It's MEANT to go straight to a power amp, not in front like a distortion pedal :)

I know it's a preamp, but it's still supplying the "distortion."

I've owned several preamps over the years and never really been satisfied with any of them (aside from my Kemper), but at the price these are going for, I might have to give one a shot :kickass:
Any chance you could upload some clips without the OD in front?
This sounds great by the way. I've always loved this song and you definitely did it justice. Finish the cover!
I can't view the demo, also if I get a tube screamer and I put it in front of my amt p2 drive out to my amp what will it sound like? Can you make a demo of it?

Ts>Amt p2 drive out>Amp