Amusing signs


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I was driving past a restaurant/nightclub today called the Canal Bar (in Glasgow) and some wag had removed the "C" from the giant sign so it read

"The Anal Bar".

I thought it was pretty fucking hilarious and laughed uproariously for a good 5-7 seconds .

Just wondered if anyone has other amusing signs they've seen?
Well I've seen the "Big Bone Lick" national park (or something like that) when we were driving in I-75 a few times.

Just googled it ... haha, Apparently it's a state park.

on the telephone poles in Irving Texas, you'll find lots of signs tacked onto the poles that read "It is a violation of city ordinance to post a sign on this utility pole"
the sign is actually on the pole, so the sign is in violation of itself:lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
The last funny sign I saw was in a café bathroom saying “don’t throw cigarette bouquets in the bowl unless you are willing to take a shit in the ash tray ” (hope I translated that correctly)

I think you meant "Cigarette butts". Ha took me a minute to find out what it meant. :erk:
Perpetual Catatonia said:
"Dimmuborgir is Icelandic for 'dark castle/fortress'. It's a type of lava formation found in Iceland which is - according to local legends - a gateway to hell."



:lol: :lol: all theses sines are awsoem :kickass:
There's a sign in the park in my neighborhood that says, "Yo! Let your dog shit on your own property!"