An amazing story& video from Wacken

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Wacken meet& greet contest:the story of one lucky fan :)

This is the story that goes with the video you can view when you click on the link below. But first read the story; I thought I had better explain what happened there. It is quite funny.

Once there was a German webzine called Stalker. They issued a contest for a meet and greet with Orphaned Land at the Wacken festival. Nothing new so far, some Swedish guy won the contest. :headbang:

I was strolling the backstage, running after Orphaned Land to get some pictures for the website, when a woman came walking in, wearing a Stalker shirt. I really like the magazine, so I started talking to her and it turns out she is from the magazine and there to pick up Orphaned Land for some contest. That is what I understand, but as I am running after all of them thinking to get a picture opportunity, my friend Daniela chooses this moment to need some food. We decide to get her a bite and that’s a shame, because I am missing out on the biggest joke of the festival!

Meanwhile, the hour was there when the lucky winner was about to meet his fave band.:worship: Samira from Stalker walked to the festival area to fetch the winner. But oh no: the guy was not there at the appointed time and the band was already waiting for the happening. Suddenly Samira sees this guy hanging around the backstage entrance wearing an Orphaned Land shirt. So she walks up to the guy and asks him if he knows Orphaned Land – DUH, he is wearing the shirt!- she tells him he is now the lucky winner of a meet and greet with the band that is to take place right away.

The stunned winner follows her to meet the band. He is grinning to himself, because he is in fact Yannick from the Orphaned Disciples and a personal friend to the band! Talking about coincidence!! As Yannick meets the band they are pretending not to know one another and having a ball putting up the ‘lucky winner’ sharade; they are introducing themselves, asking names etc. Pictures are taken that will appear in the webzine.

Meanwhile I am oblivious to all of this, but suddenly I see Yannick walking in the backstage when I knew he didn’t have a pass to access this area.:err: He tells me what happened and it is such a funny story how he was picked from all the people in the festival, that we decide to make a video interview with this meet & greet winner. Again Yannick is playing the adoring fan... Notice the terrible French accent he has in his English! He is quite an actor.
We felt we had to take this joke to the next level- the video wil ensure we remember this weird coincidence- another amazing Orphaned Land story!

To view the video, click on the image
1 chance on 620000 :D not bad :eek: Well, next time i'll play loto.

Anyway that was funny, and this video is just in this mood. Too bad we didn't film the meet and greet...

And if the swedish guy hangs on around here, well, hum... I'm sorry :D
Don't forget to give some lovely strippers their fair share of your winnings by celebrating with lap dances.
Derya the Angel said:
ha ha it's awesome!:lol: you are great Yannick and i simply loved your Frech accent!:lol:
Thanx :eek:

I couldn't make it more french unless speaking in french :lol:

What was really hilarious is when Samira first came to me, saying I was the lucky winner of the meet & greet with Orphaned Land.

At first time I didn't really catch it, then i gave her one of the Orphaned Disciples card I had in the pocket, saying "If you want to organize things with Orphaned Land or The Fan Club, don't hesitate to contact us". :lol:

Then it was her being astonished, she didn't really understand, looking at the card like :confused: , gave it back to me like a hot potatoe, and then being back to reality she said "well, we don't care we need someone" :lol: :lol:

Then the band came out of backstage, and the three people of stalker were hilarious when I jumped-on and squezeed my Yossi-Friend... Hey, what a hot meet and greet!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry, i can't help it., When i am hungry, i am hungry. Need Food now!

Now i feel gulity:( I will go to the next corner and not come back unless i cried for 5 days.

By the way, i don't even recall a girl ... or was it the blonde from canada we met outside??