whys this thread on here twice???
anyways.... thats a pretty early bday gift.... sept.25th is a ways away..... my friends rarely get me birthday presents let alone give them to me early!!! especialy realy early!!!
sorry this thread was on here twice, i'm a doofus i suppose. hey odis , send it to me and i'll stick it on my server. good one, patric, if the double post was intentional.
edit: hey patric, what happened to your metalornot thing?
edit 2: heres a photo of the design: i dont know if its norse or celtic but i dig it
too bad my server's down so now you cant see the picture but mine werent ver expensive since i have small, girly arms. my wrist is 15 cm around and by my elbow, my forearm is 25 cm around. my bracers are size small. i imagine that ones made for somebody like johan hegg would be QUITE a bit bigger, hence, using more materials and likeley more artwork. i wish they'd had a norse motif where i got these but they didnt, so i just picked the least wimpy looking one, even if it is horses.
i just remembered something... i remember my last birthday.... i had to BUY my birthday gift from my friend!!!! it wasnt even a gift realy.... thats kinda fucked up isnt it???? i wish i could score some free gifts... damn....
you know..... i have no idea.... but for some reason i got him a copy of once sent.... on his birthday.... i should have made him pay for it..... oh well..... i guess.... damnit!