An early X-Mas present from your friendly neighborhood TD

I found some good pics of BLB's ho, but rather than put them here, as a public service, and since it close to Christmas, Hanukachachacha, Festivus, and Krazy Kwanzzaa, I did a public service :) I posted them on a Weight Watchers Board! That way, you can print the photo's, throw them up on the fridge, and then when you get the munchies, when you get to the fridge, you'll see that Hoo-Wah, and lose your appetite. Together, Buddy and I are making the world a better place!!!

p.s.: Luvbomb, check your inbox! I can't get those Christmas cards to ya w/out a reply! Plus, i need VIP tix, passes, and boxed seats for the next Nerve Damage show at the bowling alley. C'mon Bud, it's CHRISTmas for CHRIST's sake, be nice.